CGM Compression low design project - Community input

Feeling industrious.

I made a prototype of the Mark-2 G7 Shield, the curvy one from above. I printed it about 6" in total length so I could draw on it to see how long it should be and how to trim it. You will see the black marker I want to do a compound trim.

the area over the G7 is comfortable, and as far as I can tell you cant press on the G7 directly because this thing is like body armor.

Anyway I think it’ll work, I put it on me (it’s a tiny bit small in diameter for me) but i cant feel it pressing on the sensor at all.

you can see better where I think it should be trimmed when it’s on me.

okay, Ill pause for feedback. :grinning: :peace_symbol: :four_leaf_clover:

Interesting concept @Joe, and I can see, envision, how the size will distribute any “lay-on” pressure on the actual sensor and minimise disruption of body interstitial fluid movement. Eliminating the porthole for the sensor should keep the guard from dislodging the sensor during inevitable movement.

Body armour like the shin-guards I wore as a little league catcher - same color too. :grinning:

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Thanks Dennis. Yes a shin guard is very similar! After I trim it I’ll add some lacing eyelets and sleep with it on. I don’t think the plastic will affect the signal but there is nothing like a test and data!

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Let us know how it is to sleep in! And maybe roll around a bit and see if it slides on your arm at all.

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I will @Jsich and reading from your last reply, please don’t worry about the effort or materials. If I can help people along the way and learn something, then I get something too. Who knows maybe we made something useful here!

Thanks Joe. I was thinking if it works great , maybe you get a patent and make a million bucks. :slight_smile:

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I’d take 1 smile. Don’t forget: the collaborators should all benefit.


Collaboration or not, if someone is going to benefit I think it should be you.

hi Jess! @Jsich I havent forgotten about you - work just up and got all in my way… we got really busy all of a sudden, so I did a little redesign and now printing the final prototype.

Here it is on the printer!

I have a lot of red so all my prototypes are red!

I will post a pic when its done printing. then I will DM you for an address if you want serial number 00001 of the production version.

okay here is the prototype

it came out pretty good i think.

Here it is on my arm you can move it to cover most of the area between the shoulder and elbow

I am ready to print the final version. I will print the final in Black here is the design rendering.

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Oh My Goodness that is amazing - and I love the name!

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