I’ve neverv had a sensor failure for any of my dexcom g6 sensors. I was on the g5 for the first 90 days, and since then I’ve gone through nearly 20 sensors and every one worked perfectly.
With the g5 I used Spike, which I sideloaded to my iPhone, and was always able to get the full 7 days out of the sensors, and more. I estimate I was getting 10-11 days on average for each. I got over 110 days from my transmitter, and that was the component that so think actually failed in the end.
I occasionally had issues with the g5. I’d get the ??? Saying there was perhaps acetaminophen or some other problem, and it would either fix itself, or I’d have to change the sensor. Also, I think I had two insertion failures from not pulling the collar back correctly. And the needle was much more painful than the g6.
After approx 4 months of using the g5, I switched to the g6. I always place it on my abdomen. I use IV prep wipes to remove oils and anything else from my skin before inserting. I simply peel the backing off the bottom and putting it down careful placing the adhesive onto my skin. Break the orange safety piece and push the button. Hurts less than the g5. Go around the adhesive with your finger. Heat helps activate the adhesive. Then just place the transmitter into the sensor. I always use a regular alcohol wipe on my sensor right before inserting.
To start, I use my Tandem t;slim x2. I start the sensor and enter the 4 digit code for auto mode. After a few minutes, my phone will sync and show it warming up and showing time left. Don’t start on multiple devices. To ensure I have no issues with my adhesive, I use a Simpatch, I bought from Amazon. All sensors have lasted the full 10 days. I use unisolve adhesive removers to remove it, which smells like acetone.
Some people report frequent failures and I don’t get it. In auto mode, I need no finger sticks, and it just works. Sometimes I have issues with the Bluetooth on my iPhone, but usually I can get it working again.
I’m not sure why some people are having lots of errors and I’m having none. I am on Medicare, and the box says Medicare/Medicaid DME only. I figured they were giving us lower quality sensors, but everything seems fine here. I just keep wondering why people are having so many failures.