How long have you had T1?

Tom, that is awesome!  I want my 50 year medals too!!  I am so happy to hear that things do go well with care.

I too had/have bi-lateral frozen shoulders - for about 3 years.  The only explanation was diabetes.  I did not do surgery and after 3 years of severe pain, I am mending well.

I am now 42 years old and diagnosed 1980.  31 years no complications...  Thank goodness for that!  I like hearing about other peoples experiences...  I do not talk about it too much..  

I was diagnosed 14 years ago (at age 9). How have all your a1c's been? I have had no complications so far, but my a1c last week was 13! Since I took my pump off 2 years ago I have been running high, but not this high. It made me really nervous and scared that I am going to develop complications soon.

That's great! Keep up the great work.

I used to be over 10 with my A1c ... I don't live by it, although I know there is solid evidence that would say that being as close to "normal" is optimal.  But I do know some T1's that have complication despite being in very tight control, and conversely, T1's that are not well controlled and are fine over 30+ years with diabetes.

My last A1c was 7.1  ....  I am fine with that number.  I used to be much higher until I started using the pump in 1997.

" But I do know some T1's that have complication despite being in very tight control, and conversely, T1's that are not well controlled and are fine over 30+ years with diabetes."

I too, was diagnosed at the age of ten. August was the start of year 45 without any complications. One common concern is, "what was your last A1C. Question; when we aren't trying to gain or loose weight, we stabelized  in to a "natural" weight when we quit trying to gain or lose. Do you think that our bodies stabelize  at a "natural" A1C? My A1C's have never been below 7.1 no matter how hard I try. It's never been above (except at diagnoses) 7.8 when I don't try at all. Anyone else notice this?

Hello all :)

I have been T1 for 15 years now, diagnosed right after my 10th birthday.  I really didn't start taking care of myself until about 3 years ago. Growing up I just didn't want to deal with it. I mean, what 10 year old can even comprehend what's going on? My highest A1c was over 11, and now I have it down to 8.5 :) I still have a long way to go, but it's definitely a start! No serious complications as of right now. I recently tested positive for microalbuminuria and was put on lisinopril. Also, I have the beginning stages of glaucoma and have cataracts forming in my left eye.  I am grateful that is all that I have wrong right now! I never knew anyone else that had T1 growing up so it's nice to see all of your comments and know I am not alone! You are all an inspiration.


T1 since Sept 1996, Medtronic pump since 2004

I just turned 26 and have been diagnosed type 1 for a year and 4 months. soo far no complications except the daily struggle to keep sugar under control. at diagnosis my A1C was a startling 13 my last A1C i had done was a 6.0 and all my lab work came back great, Next appt is early november and i should be having another a1c done then.. soo hopefully it wont be too bad. I have to say i was happy with the results i got and look foward to meeting ppl that i can talk with and relate to on here. :)

I am a new member to the Juvenation group. I have had T1 for 14 years now and I am 24 years old. I would like some advice on conception with T1. My HbA1C is 6.2 and I have Hypo-thyroidism, which is under control and a slight form of reflex-epilepsy.

How difficult would you think it is to get a healthy and happy child without too many complications for either me or the baby?

Hi toomshum,

I have had T1 for 36 years, and hypothyroidism for 20.  I wanted to let you know that you can have a healthy and happy child without too many complications.  I think the key is to keep your HbA1C where it is at, and work closely with your healthcare team.  I have two children ages 17 and 15 and both are healthy.  Good luck to you!


Hi, I have had T1 for 6 years, hypothyroidism for the same and polycystic ovarian syndrome for 13 years or so. I had an unplanned pregnancy nearly 4 years ago, my a1c was about 9 at the time that I got pregnant. I had very tight control over my BS during the pregnancy and my daughter was born happy and healthy :) She is now 3 and so far so good, still remains healthy. I didnt have any problems during the pregnancy either besides battling low blood sugars. Good luck to you!

I was diagnosed at 14 in 2005, so it's been about 6 1/2 years. I'm so grateful for all of the ways we can treat this terrible disease. I still struggle, but my a1c is coming down. It really IS like a full-time job.

Scott - it has been 35 years for me. I was diagnosed at the age of 7...been using an insulin pump since complications. Glad to hear all is going well with you.

20 years in December!! Glad to see so many people have had it longer than me and are healthy. 20 is a scary number for me but not so much after reading all this!! Here’s to many more healthy years!

Diagnosed at age 11. On Minimed pump since 1998. Haven’t had a1c over 7.1 since the pump!

That's awesome Paul!

Thanks ... glad no complications!  Thanks for responding!  Scott

It is a FT job+ .... and I am grateful as well that it can be treated.

Hi Scott,

I was diagnosed when I was 9 years old and I am now 53.  I also had a bout with Retinopathy. I had lazier treatment when I was 19 and thankfully It's been many years that I had to have more.  I have learned that lots of exercise is the key.  I became a runner over a year ago and in better shape than ever.  I feel great and keep my blood sugars down.  I've never let this stop me from doing anything and everything!
