@Karii0907 Welcome Karina to the JDRF TypeOneNation Community Forum!
A couple of comments, First: I have been using the G6 for about four years and find they work quite well for me, accurate and VERY rarely have I calibrated. I did meet a woman this week who has lived with diabetes for a few years for whom the G6 doesn’t work at all and needs to use the Libre with her OmniPod5. Like many devices, it can’t be expected that G6 can be right for all. The issue you are experiencing might be caused by over-calibrating; in effect, with each calibration you make, the sensor will spend 12 to 24 hours adjusting itself to your body - read the “When to Calibrate” in the Dexcom Q&A and follow the advice in the table.
Second, why did you change your diet to fit the OmniPod? In my way of looking at diabetes and these “assist gadgets” changing diet to fit a device is doing stuff backwards. The goal I’ve followed during seven decades with diabetes is to use insulin to allow me to live a full, active and productive life. To live a healthy live and make diabetes fit - nerver to let diabetes rule my life.