Diabetic since just about the same month JFK was shot, but didn’t get proper diagnosis or my first insulin shot until many lost pounds later, in January. Terrible family doctor, ignorant parents (both averse to understanding anything medical, in their different ways), very rural setting in upstate NY, never mind that in 1963 no one around us even dreamed of any such a thing as an “internet” or a “Google”. Heck, we still had party lines back then (one phone line, the operator would make it ring once, twice, three times, etc depending on who the call was for - but anybody in any of the 10 homes on the line could pick up and listen in). I was told as a child that I could expect not to live past 40 and would probably be blind and have both feet amputated by then if I got that far, and I believed that for way too long. Taught myself Braille when I was 14. So, that I’m here now and without even horribly major complications yet??? Whoaaaaaaaa. Still feels like defying the laws of gravity.