Hey guys, it’s Laney I’m looking to get some advice. So I start high school pretty soon and I’m nervous about managing my diabetes at school especially with so many judgy people around and my busy schedule. I also worry about missing school and trying to get caught up because I’m absent pretty often due to my diabetes. Anyone have advice for me?
Hi Laney!
My name is Aubree. I was diagnosed right before I turned 13 and entered 8th grade, so I know exactly what it’s like to enter high school with Type 1. First things first: Don’t worry about the judgy people. If anyone gives you any weird or snooty looks, just disregard them. You are who you are, and if people can’t accept that then don’t waste your time on them.
Second: Surround yourself with your friends, and people you feel comfortable around. During lunch, don’t hesitate to do what you need to do in order to get your insulin and check your BG.
Thirdly: Don’t worry about missing school. Your teachers will understand that you have diabetes. If they start to ask questions about your absences just explain to them in a little more detail what being a diabetic really is, and they should understand. Just make sure you tell them in advance if you know you won’t be showing up to class, and get the work you will be missing ahead of time.
You’ve got this! Don’t let the people who don’t understand what you’re going through get to you. You’ll do fine in high school, and you’ll learn that there really isn’t anything to be worried about.
Thank you so much! :))))
Although I am not your age ( I wish!) – I was in a school situation — the other side of the desk. My students first learned that I had diabetes when I was hospitalized so my dosage could be determined. They sent me flowers,cards etc —great care and compassion. But students change every semester, and while I my situation to every new group[ ( just in case) — we all took it in stride.It got so I tested ( I test 10 times in 24 hrs – diabetes) right there in class, and compensated, with boxes of apple juice, or NOVOLOG shots ( right through clothing, did you know?) Kids were curious, liked to watch the shots, asked if it hurt ( the finger pricks, sort of, the shots not at all) and soon it was business as usual.
So the bottom line is this ---- make the situation work in your favor. You are special. In a good way!
BEFORE diabetes ( mine was T1D, late onset) I had a student with diabetes. His mother came with him — and this is college age by the way! — to make sure he had his snacks. I think apple juice boxes work better, faster but…
At any rate, I know I bent backwards to help the fellow with making up missed work and allowing eating in class. I think your teachers will do no less once you explain what and why.
Just be sure you don’t use your diabetes as an excuse to others — and to yourself. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING… a 15 year old I was teaching ( language, privately) went to Russia to compete in cross country skiing. This is first-hand contact. You can read online other stories, other achievements. SO, YOU GO GIRL!
Oh my goodness! Amazing story, thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate you reaching out to me.
Hi Laney. How are you doing after these years? I saw your post and thought I’d reach out. I’m a parent of a freshman in high school. I’d say he misses about one day of school a week, on average. It’s very hard on him. We are managing it best we can. I don’t know how normal it is to miss this much school. But there are days when he is very dizzy. Or doubled over with stomach aches. He feels like crap 70% of the time. I don’t what else to do to help him.
Hi @RoosterInTheCity . I’m sorry to hear about the issues your son is having. Diabetes can cause gastroparesis - a digestive disorder. But it could be something entirely unrelated to Type1. His endo could refer him for testing to rule gastroparesis out or in, but a visit to his primary care doctor might be in order - they may run diagnostic tests or refer him to a specialist.
Another possibility is food allergies - the primary care doctor might recommend testing for those. And stress can cause physical symptoms.
Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head. Wishing you all the best - please keep us posted.