Hi. My partner has been diagnosed with Type 1. Recently we found out his blood sugar was higher than it should be along with ketones in urine. He has been very disciplined with taking his insulin since we found that out. He was taking it before but with hectic work schedule not as much as he should have been. We will follow up with the DR Monday for another lab to confirm he does not have DKA. Need recommendations for diet ideas in the meantime pls. I know salmon, broccoli, eggs, berries, and peanuts are good for him to eat but if anyone has any other suggestions please advise. Thank you!
Hello @Moe2daaa and welcome to T1N. I’ve had type 1 for 40 something years. I think it’s awesome you want to help. Probably the biggest help would be to pick up a copy of “Think Like a Pancreas “ it has very helpful information on type 1 and the reasoning that works.
I don’t have a limited or specific diet. Most foods break down into carbohydrates to fuel the body. Berries and table sugar are very similar in some respects. Fats interact with available carbohydrates typically slowing down absorption. So for me I eat what is nutritious and what I like.
One of the best tools is a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) Even when work gets hectic I have low and high blood sugar alarms that go to my cell phone. Good luck I hope he feels better. DKA can be terrible.
Some thoughts (protein is great, look for foods that have a high percentage of fiber to total carbs):
- nuts are a good high fiber snack (watch out for carbs in flavored nuts)
- Kroger keto bread has 9g total carbs with 5g being fiber (also have hamburger buns)
- Alvarado Street sprouted wheat sourdough bread is 8 total fiber with 5 fiber
- low carb wheat tortillas from mission have 18 total carbs with 15 fiber
- pizza alternative… shred chicken in oven save bowl, add sauce and toppings then cheese and bake until cheese is melted
- chicharrones instead of chips
- add fats when eating carbs as it slows absorption giving insulin time to work
- cheese crisps instead of crackers.
Thank you both so very much! This is very helpful. I found myself getting conflicting information online so figured I would find a reliable source. I will definitely get the book to educate myself even more! Thank you again! Wishing you both the best!!
The Mediterranean diet is a very healthful option - little or no processed foods and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and some animal protein. It’s called a diet but it seems more to me more of a lifestyle.
That said, hopefully things will settle as far as him keeping his numbers in a healthy range and getting rid of the ketones. Once he understands how to dose for carbs he should be able to eat pretty much as he likes - although of course healthy is always better.
I’ve found that no amount of insulin will clear ketones from my system if I don’t drink enough sugar free fluids to help flush them out - growing up with diabetes (I’m in year 60) we were taught to do just that and personally. Personally I find that one or two large glasses of water get the process started.
@Moe2daaa Welcome Monique to the TON Community Forum!
All the foods you mention are frequent visitors to my “diet” - and when I say diet, I refer to what I actually eat rather than a designer regimen. As has been already written here, concentrate on eating nutritious foods that fit his and your body needs, in other words, healthy meals. I can safely say that there are very few foods that I don’t eat - the important thing when filling a plate with food is variety and QUANTITY of each choice.
As an example, when I came home from the hospital following my diabetes diagnosis 66+ years ago, I took my seat at the dinner table with the 8 other members of my immediate family and ate all of the food choices they ate except for the delicious smelling hot apple pie. One may say that I was raised on the All-American farm boy diet with a variety of fresh vegetables; during the more recent years our protein choice has shifted from meat-beef to a wide variety of fish and cooking with olive oil - almost Mediterranean style, with pasta. Once again, portion size is key.
With experience, your partner will learn the “not-so-easy” balance in life with diabetes between foods eaten, insulin needed to feel good with specific activities. When looking at his blood glucose / body glucose levels don’t be too alarmed by post meal spikes, but rather look at the wider picture that hopefully will show that a few hours [3 to 5] after a meal is close to a normal in range. Overall, he needs to eat sufficiently for him to lead a full and active life - and enjoy living.
@gmershon : I have a question related to low carb toritillas. when we have 15g fiber. do u still adjust for 18g carbohydrates or just 3g carbohydrates.
Hi Dennis,
Brand new to Forum…T1D diagnosed at 63, 2 years ago ~ CGM @ 1 month ago…trying to figure out how to post a question to this forum, thats not a reply …looking for info on android food trackers for food content…carbs, fats, protein, calories
.i am a total luddite
@Kalpesh.gupta You’ll likely get a spread of answers, from don’t subtract anything, to subtract a portion of fiber, to subtract all the fiber. I take the total carbs and subtract all the fiber: so, tortillas with 18g total carbs and 10g of fiber gets dosed for 8g or carbs. Be wary of marked packages, there is no consensus on how “net carbs” are determined. You’ll also find people that subtract or delay insulin delivery for high protein (steak and potato?) and/or high fat (pizza) over a period of hours (usually 3-8 hours). These type meals take some testing and adjusting to see how a person reacts, how much dosage now and over how many hours the remaining insulin needs to be spaced over.
@AmyJudith Welcome Amy to this TypeOneNation Community Forum! It is nice to see another “long-timer” here, I look forward to hearing your years of wisdom.
To create a new Topic to pose a question, first click on “Forum” near top left then “New Topic”, on desktop the New Topic is far to the right of screen. To reply to an individua; poster, click the “Reply” in black as you just did; to reply to all posters use the large Blue-Purple Reply.
For food content, I primarily use food labels and also have a Calorie King book in a kitchen drawer - I sometimes do a phone lookup for Calorie King for restaurant foods.
Hi Dennis,
Thank you so much for your help! Im only long timer in years …my T1 LADA was diagnosed 2 years ago (age 63) during a routine physical ~ no symptoms…just got my very first CGM a little over a month ago, I inject 3x/day novalog and 1x/day Toujeo. And actually, am just now prepping for the 10 day sensor change…still “white knuckling” the process a lil’ bit.
I have so much to learn. I’ve had a couple of seizures from drops, but not since getting the CGM last month…my whole approach needs to change…carbs are not the enemy!
Anyway, am a novice and your help is so appreciated, both in the mechanics of this site and the calorie and carb “thing” am grateful for this forum! Thank you again
Hi @AmyJudith and welcome to the forum. Which CGM are you using? Hopefully you’ll find that the anticipation is worse than the actual insertion process - so long as you remember to pull the paper off to expose the adhesive, you should be okay (I forgot to do that once - duh🤪!). There are videos on Youtube you can watch that might help you through the process.
Looking forward to your contributions!
Thank you so much ! Went OK…11 minutes to sensor warm up …
oh yeah…Dexcom6
@Kalpesh.gupta, I count fiber as a half a carb as fiber still impacts my BG (which may not be the same for everyone). So a tortilla with a total of 18g carb where 15g is fiber would be 10.5g carb to me. Note that the fiber also delays carb absorption to minimize BG spike.