My pharmacy refused to fill my Medicare B insulin prescription due to insufficient reimbursement from Medicare B claims. Was told other pharmacies are wanting to do likewise. Anyone else having this issue and do you have alternatives I can use if all local pharmacies also refuse? Thanks
Hi Elizabeth. Did you pharmacy at least warn you they were going to stop filling your insulin prescription so you have time to switch pharmacies before your next refill us due? This has been an issue for some time for independent pharmacies who have less negotiating power with their suppliers compared to retail pharmacy chains. I wouldn’t worry about it too much until your 2nd choice pharmacy also says they can’t afford to fill your prescription.
I use an independent pharmacy too so I get wanting to use a local small business even if other options are more convenient. Which insulin do you use in your pump? There are some, Humalog comes to mind first, that the manufacturer sells with a different label on the bottle, Lispro, that may be a lower cost to your pharmacy.
If you need help finding a plan B let us know. Plan F is usually CVS, plan Z is Walgreens but there are usually other options before you have to resort to such desperate measures.
@EW1 Welcome Elizabeth to the Breakthrough Community Forum!
In addition to what Chris offered, if you use insurance to help pay for your prescriptions, you could contact that insurance company or its webpage to assist you finding a pharmacy near you. Also, many insurance companies provide an option to have medicines delivered to you.