My partner and I are about to do our first embryo transfer. My HBA1c was 7.1 in November + in the last 21 days my carelink data is showing im sitting around the 6.5%.
I was wondering if anyone has any advice going into IVF or pregnancy for best control?
Hello @shaehandley hi and welcome to Breakthrough T1D. I have nothing for ivf or pregnancy but I know a thing or 2 about blood sugar. A couple questions: Are you using your Medtronic CGM and if so, what is the time period for 6.5%. If not, a CGM is an important tool for control feedback.
Hi @shaehandley Shae. Those carelink reports are a great way to go back and see where you are rising above the pregnancy BG goals then consider what can change. Blousing sooner? Activity so you body can use the insulin? Many smaller meals if activity isn’t an option, etc.
Hi @shaehandley and congratulations in advance.
Hopefully you will get some responses from Forum members who were pregnant with diabetes - I am not one. But what sticks in my mind from experiences I have read about here and elsewhere, is that moms mentoned issues with more severe lows and ones which they were not able to manage at home or without assistance - which was unusual. So while we know the complications and dangers to baby that can result in high numbers, try not to be too aggressive when treating those. @joe asked if you were using a CGM. If you’re new to one it can be very tempting to make a correction as soon as you see the numbers rising (or falling), when in fact the insulin hasn’t had a chance to work yet, and then you end up with too much insulin on board. Work closely with your medical team to learn how to minimize those with a baby on board so you find the right balance.
I may be preaching to the choir but I don’t know if you’re new or if you’ve had diabetes for a while. If the latter, I apologize. All the best - lots of women with Type1 have had healthy pregnancies and so can you. Looking forward to seeing an announcement from you down the road.