Moving to Northern California

We’ll be moving in the summer to Northern California. We haven’t decided on the exact area yet. I was wondering how easy it is to get access to an endocrinologist that knows about type 1 diabetes in Sacramento, Fairfield, Napa and surrounding areas. I greatly appreciate your feedback.

Hello @Anka30 welcome to Breakthrough T1D! I am not sure how your insurance works but my plan allows me to search doctors and specialists. It was fairly easy for me to find a new Endo when mine retired. Full disclosure, it wasn’t Sacramento, but I can’t imagine it would be much different. Good luck! :shamrock:

Hi @Anka30. I have experience with similar parts of California. If you are willing to pay out of pocket and/or drive to another city/town finding a great endo is no problem in the areas you mentioned.

If you want to find an endo who is in your insurance company’s network, Joe is right and you’ll need to use their website to do a search then go through the results to see if they meet your needs. Kaiser is the big insurance, hospital and doctor network in CA. They are great and often less expensive if they work for you. I don’t enjoy the healthcare assembly line feeling I get from them. Sutter Health is the other big healthcare provider, they are an HMO used by many insurance companies like Blue Cross or Anthem (aka Blue Shield). Personally as soon as I can afford it I’m going to pay out of pocket for an endo that works for Sutter that I saw before I had to change insurance plans. Friends who have lived here longer than I recommend trying to avoid providers working for Dignity and Tenet.

Are you moving from another state?