Other middle schoolers with T1D in Reno, NV

Not sure where to find this JDRF community or any T1D in Reno. My son who is 12 year old was just diagnosed December 12, 2022. Would be great to find him support in that age range.

@lbenson1 Hello Lorraine, and Welcome to The JDRF TypeOneNation Community Forum!

Someone may read this soon and get in touch with you, and you can also use the “Events”
tab at the top of this page, select “JDRF Near You”, enter your zip code and select the nearest JDRF Chapter. There will be contact information and other means of meeting People with Diabetes [PwD]. Look at events listed, such as Walk for a Cure and other functions your son might enjoy - I’ve found these events to be a certain way to meet others. Another way, speak with school administrators or school nurses; his pediatrician may also know of kids his age.


Hi Lorraine! My son is 14 and he was just diagnosed a few months ago. We live in Florida and I was also really hoping that there would be some good opportunities to meet up with other families with kids with T1D. Unfortunately, it seems the only things around are fund raising marathons, bike races, things like that. I was hoping to find some sort of meet up groups or something along those lines, but I’ve had no luck. I did sign him up for the penpal program through JDRF, so hopefully he will get matched up with somebody soon. It’s not the same as meeting people in our community that he could actually be friends with, but at least it’s some thing for now. I hope you have better luck in your area and may be look into the penpal program. My son thinks it’s weird to write actual letters to people, but I think he’ll learn to like it. Lol!

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There may be other kids with Type1 in your son’s school. They can’t give names due to HIPAA but I like to suggest asking the school nurse or office if they could share your information (your son’s) - I don’t see any reason not to if the offer comes from you, and other parents may be looking to connect as well.

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Hi Sarah @SarahSMS, I too live in Florida - south Manatee County near the Sarasota County line. True that the headlines seen are for big fundraising events such as walks but, we also have a get-together monthly called “Cups of Hope” with a diabetes related speaker and share our adventures about diabetes; I’ll be attending an “extra” gathering on Monday.

Many of the 20 to 30 usual attendees at these meetings are family of kids newly diagnosed connecting with others in the neighborhood and also gathering inspiration and suggestions from “us old-timers”. You are welcome at any and all of these gatherings.


I can’t speak to Reno, but there are a lot of online meet-ups. Visit Engage with JDRF Community from Anywhere! - JDRF and click on the T1D Support button. (I navigated there by clicking on “T1D Resources” at the top, then “Support for Teens” in the drop down menu. Then scroll down to “Events and Groups.”)

You can also request help from an Outreach Volunteer here: Type 1 Diabetes Connections Program - JDRF (Same navigation pathway as before but click “Personal Support” instead of “Events and Groups,” then click “One-on-one Support.”)

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Hi, My son was diagnosed almost two years ago (April 8th) and he’s 14. We’re in Tennessee, but I can offer this advice…search online to see if there are any Summer camps close to your are that focus on T1D. My son went to TCDC (Tennessee Camp for Diabetic Children). It was an awesome experience for my son. All the kids who attend have T1D, as well as most of the counselors. There’s full medical staff too so I didn’t worry as much about sending him away from home for two weeks. They have a one week stay option as well. Kids attend from all over the US. My son was able to meet kids who know exactly what he’s dealing with, and kept in touch with some of those he met. This was great since he is the only child at his school with type one. He’s planning to go again this Summer.