I was diagnosed in 1983 as well and on this Lilly Betraton pump for a few years, until my insurance wouldn’t cover supplies. Also, the infusion set was just a straight needle and when they came out with the bent needle, I was ecstatic! Eventually when insurance covered pumps, I started with Medtronic, then off and on again as I changed jobs and insurances.
I cannot use infusion sets more than 2 days before they get blockage from scar tissue. And the set I use is authorized for change every other day. I hope I do not end up in a nursing facility, because they do not understand diabetes from the diabetic’s point of view. Some doctors do, but there are too many varieties of treatment for individuals with pumps for a nurse to be able to cope, even with a doctor’s orders.
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@ksannie , not only do nursing homes not understand, some hospitals are even worse because the hospitalist (MDs that only practice in hospitals) don’t know ‘flushable fecal residue’ from lard.