Showering - Just switched to Tandem auto soft 30

I switched to Omnipod a year or so ago but I remember there were a couple of options for 90 degree sets when I was on my Tandem pump: Autosoft 90 and Autosoft XC. The insertion seemed to be identical from the outside but I found one of them less awkward than the other - unfortunately I can’t recall which now.

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Do whatever works for you. Most experts, and especially the device makers, have never used their own products.


My daughter uses AutoSoft 30 and

she is doing so much better with sites since switching. I did have our endo change the perscription for a site change every 2 to 3 days. What is nice about using the infusion set is if you have one that falls off you just change the site part and not all the tubing and cartridge which comes in handy at times. We use the liquid skin tack just a little bit before peeling the back off it seems to work for us. I am attaching a picture for reference. This bottle may last us a year and I only invested $20 on amazon. You may also want to check with Tandem on the different lengths of tubing to see if you have the smallest size. I wish you the best of luck, I know change is difficult for us.

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I forgot to mention in my message you tube videos are so helpful when starting a different site change. I hit the pause button after every step for this first week or two. We struggled 6 months ago getting started with the pump and they really came in handy.


I have been watching the tandem videos every time I change the site. Excellent advice

I have a bottle of that here. I totally forgot. Thank you for reminding me :slightly_smiling_face:

How is the Omnipod with adhesion now? I was on it when it first came out and it fell off all the time and I had so many problems I switched to Medtronic.

I’ve only used the Omnipod5 so I don’t knew about the previous versions, but I’ve never had problems with adhesion myself. In fact it sticks so well it’s literally painful to remove.

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Revelwear has tanks with pockets and something soft and stretchy you can wear around your waist with a pocket andI think under shorts with pockets for pump/Dexcom receiver if that may make life easier. I got an abdominal one for my daughter and it looked comfy to me but she is used to her spi- belt pouch. We use the auto soft 90 and it works great, the xc didn’t work well for us, not sure what difference there was but the site failed more often. With the autosoft 90 it’s rare to have a pump site fail. When you disconnect at the T lock it can be dangerous because an unknown amount of insulin can enter your body and when you reconnect it you need to prime tubing again or you will be pumping air for a bit.