Showering - Just switched to Tandem auto soft 30

I just started on a new infusion set the auto soft 30 and according to tandem when I shower, I have to unclip it from the infusion site, not from the T lock which is what I’ve been doing for four years on the other infusion sets. The problem is I rip out the infusion set all the time catching the tubing on door knobs, etc. so I use an over patch but you can’t use an over patch and unclip the tubing to take a shower, so I’m wondering what everyone does? According to tandem all this time I should not have been unclipping at the T lock. Whoops.

Have you tried am adhesive to help keep the set in place? Skintac is one you might try.
Have you tried Simpatches? I use them for me Dexcom as well as my Omnipod and they work great - stick extremely well for me although because of that removing them can be a bit painful. These may not be cut precisely for Tandem’s sets but a pump user said they work well for them.

Hi. Yes I have them. The problem is that the infusion set has a clip that has to be disconnected to take a shower and the patches aren’t really made for them. Also I use IV tape on the tubing because I catch it on things and if I take the ti I g, I can’t remove it to shower. Ugh

You might try looping the tubing around a belt loop a few times before putting your pump in your pocket

@Spooky you are now getting good advice - Tandem someplace has posted that we should never separate at the t-lock. What length tubing are you using with the Autosoft 30, and where on your body do you wear them?

For modt of my almost 5 years using Tandem, I have used the Autosoft 30 on my abdomen and sides and the only “pull-off” was when working on a construction project where I had to squeeze through a narrow opening. When working shirtless, I tuck loose tubing on my pants, or when at beach tuck all slack on my waist belt made for carrying a pump.

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I also use tandem autosoft 30 sites. I use the patches @wadawabbit dorie linked but I fold them in half and cut the hole a little larger to fit over my site. I’ll try to add a photo or two so you can see what I mean.
These patches tend to work great for me- just make sure that you put them on at least 30-60 minutes before exposing to water so that they stick longer and don’t peel off immediately. The patches also stretch so if you don’t cut the hole exactly the right size you can stretch it a bit to fit. I also disconnect from the tubing, put the patch on, then reconnect the tubing so that I can dis/reconnect from my pump later if needed.

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Try looping your tubing around belt loops/underwear/belt/etc. I used to use tape and bandaids to hold the tubing and it never quite worked for me. Looping it around other stuff tends to work better in my experience. If you’re using long tubing, you could also try switching to a smaller length if you often have tubing hanging out of your pockets.

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This is such a good idea. Thank you. I bought those a couple years ago and may have one hanging around. I will order more. The looping the tube around a belt is problematic because I basically live in yoga and sweatpants. But it got me thinking that maybe I can have pockets sewn into them?

Can’t believe I’ve been doing it wrong for four years.
I use the short tube and wear it on my stomach or thighs. I haven’t figured out how to wear it in my arm, I know many people do.

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Spooky, I too use the AutoSoft 30 on my abdomen and could never figure out how to place it on my arm - without someone else providing the second hand for proper application. I walk a lot so my thighs have only been used a couple of times - I note that exercising a muscle near an infusion site can “speed up” insulin activity and that doesn’t work favorably during exercise. I’ve recently gone back to the AutoSoft xc for my arms and use a “tube bandage” to somewhat manage the tubbing when going shirtless; my arms now appear to be more sensitive to insulin and I needed to reduce basal.

Rather than using the standard pump-case and clip that comes with the pump, I use an alternate case with 360 degree rotating clamp [really hold tight to a single layer of cloth, like the t-shirt neckline]; this case/clamp allows for being able to loosely wind excess tubing around it to eliminate any slack. Works real well when wearing only a pair of gym shorts.

What’s a tube bandage? I haven’t used my arms in years. When I was on the Omni pod I did but didn’t have success with that system as it fell off constantly. I was a lot more active back then doing Muay Thai every day. I think I would get 1-2 days from each pod. Was not good.

I have a few cases also I use but lately have found it easier to use men’s travel boxers that have a small pocket with a zipper I’ll have to try the cases again also.
I am changing the site later today and found one simple Patch and will try what you suggested in your other comment. Thanks again!

@Spooky , I should have used the proper name; what I have is “Stretch Bandage”, bought at Walgreens and they come different size rolls. Pick the size that will be snug on your arm. We used these extensively when I was having chemo every day; just needed to disconnect at the t-lock and use the “stretch” to protect the line in my body and keeping it from being accidently pulled out, and keep the line in my vein for about a week - much more comfortable that having a nurse trying to place a long line in a vein every day.

I hope the change today works well for you with the simple patch. A reason for not disconnecting at thet-lock is that the 23 inches of tubing left attached while you shower or other workout could loose insulin nd leave you without any way to check for a drop or two.

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I wear my pump on my arm sometimes, and have figured out how to gingerly shift my hand from the top of the insertion device down to the cannula, then push the insertion device off with two fingers. I don’t know how to describe it but going slow, using a mirror if you’re doing the back of your arm, and practicing inserting a site on your abdomen with one hand before trying it on your arm helps. I do have to be careful because you’re supposed to anchor the patchy part to your skin while removing the insertion device so that it doesn’t pull the cannula out with the insertion needle. (Hopefully that made some sense). It’s tricky and not my favorite site for my pump. Currently my arms are almost exclusively CGM real estate. Instead I mainly insert my sites into my lower back, thigh, inner leg, and stomach.


Inner leg! I have never tried that. Wow. I haven’t put the CGM on my arm either. That’s for the next change in a few days. I am a terrible sleeper. I toss and turn a lot and worry about putting it on my upper butt and arms. Do you have issues with compression impacting readings? I changed the site and cut the adhesive patch like you said. My question is does the infusion set get caught where the tubing attaches? It seems so delicate in how it lifts a bit. It was a rough change and I was stressed and have had a small bump in my number The adhesive didn’t want to peel off the set. I am sure I’ll get used to it. It’s only the third change with this set. I’ve used the XC and Autosodt 90 for 4 years.
Thanks for all of the great replies.

Thanks Dennis. I think I know what you are referring to in regards to the bandage. I used it when I was on the Omnipod many years ago because the pods would fall off constantly

The inner leg is one of my favorite spots! You should definitely try it.

I sometimes I have issues with compression, but since I started the g6 a few years ago I’ve basically retrained my brain to automatically avoid the side that my CGM is on. Our brain’s ability to rewire itself is amazing. Other ways I’ve tried to avoid compression lows is to place the site on my inner arm (that doesn’t get as much pressure in my case), or more towards the elbow as opposed to the shoulder. With the position I lay in to sleep that’s worked for me. I should mention that I’m only 110 lbs so my compression struggles are probably different that someone else who’s 50 lbs or 200 lbs.

Yes sometimes I worry about that but I haven’t had any issues. One thing I do to avoid this is to put a normal bandaid, with the non sticky part over my tubing, a few inches away from my site so that if it gets caught, the bandaid gets pulled out and not the site. In reality the adhesive doesn’t lift the tubing up much more than it normally is lifted up. And when placing my site it’s typically protected by my clothing (inner leg is covered by pants, stomach by a shirt). One of the reasons that I don’t like placing my site on my arm (especially in the summer when wearing short sleeves) is because the tubing catches on things a lot easier and yanks it out.

Sorry you had a rough site change! Rough seems like an understatement sometimes.
Did the adhesive patch not want to peel off the set? That’s normal for me - I just pull it off like it’s one huge bandaid. It’s a weird feeling. I start with the corners and work my way around when pulling the adhesive off. Using lots of soap helps. The adhesive not wanting to pull of the set is sort of a good thing- that means that the adhesive will hold your site on well.

Good luck with all this!

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Just wondering why you switched to the Autosoft30 when the others worked well? If you were experimenting at least you only have to get through the box/es you have now. I wish you had the option to try a sample or two of each before committing. I used to alternate between the 30 and 90 - I think my insurance allowed my doctor to write my script for x boxes of Tandem infusion sets, but I could mix and match if I wanted to.

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My doctor wanted me to switch. She said her patients have had issues with the auto soft 90. I have to say I have seen a difference in my BG since switching. So many variables of course, but hoping this is the key.
I have never tried the steel cannula but she also says that’s the most reliable

Yes! The paper cover to the adhesive didn’t want to come off and the pulling and peeling really had me worried I would dislodge the cannula even though I had my finger over the window. Years ago my tandem failed on loading and I got the message of complete pump failure and it had to be replaced. They screwed up the replacement and it took over a week and I was dealing with a bad eye bleed and needed the pump to relieve some of the stress of management. When I was on Medtronic they would hand deliver a new one to my house the same day. So I have now linked pump failure to loading and every time I do a site change I have to do deep breathing and talk myself out of worry.(think Pavlov’s dog. Lol) When anything out of the ordinary happens, I get a jolt. So the paper not peeling right away becomes a bigger issue than it should be.

That’s weird- must’ve been a bad patch. I’ve never had that happen to me before.

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