EMG test and Medtronic 670g

Has anyone had a EMG while wearing a Medtronic pump? I have one scheduled and am wondering if I need to remove it. Most of the Medtronic material addresses removal for magnetic imaging like X-rays and MRIs.

I had to look the test up, but if it was me, Iā€™d ask the doctor who prescribed it and/or Medtronic. I always found the Medtronic customer service folks to be helpful when I had that pump, although I suspect they will tell you to ask your doctor unless itā€™s a hard no.

Yeahā€¦.Iā€™ll probably call Medtronic. I donā€™t think the prescribing doctor would know much about itā€¦.I could be wrong, butā€¦ā€¦itā€™s a neurologist. Just a feeling I got. Lol

Again, I donā€™t know what the CMG test involves, but MRIs use magnets and if you wear your pump when you have the test it will fly up against the wall of the chamber because of the metal inside. (So, hard no.) X-Rays could damage the sensitive electronics in the pump. (So, hard no.)

BTW, you used both EMG and CMG in your post. Iā€™ve had EMGs with a pump. Itā€™s been awhile, but I donā€™t believe they made me take it off. Even if they do, itā€™s only for a short period and shouldnā€™t affect your control too much.

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Oh, ok. I hope I can leave my pump on for the EMG. Iā€™d hate to have to remove the transmitter and sensor. Since, Iā€™d have to start over with a 2 hour warmup.

The MRI is the following week. Iā€™m prepared to remove it all for that.

Then I wouldnā€™t worry about it until it happens. (I call that borrowing trouble from the future. :wink: ) The technician will definitely tell you to do when you get there. There are a lot of us insulin pump wearers out there and people who have cause to deal with them in situations like this seem to be pretty used to them. (I donā€™t even get harassed in airport security like I used to for my pump. YMMV.)

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Dee @HighHopes, also check with the technician operating the EMG testing equipment and the overseeing physician; there may be safety concerns for YOU and not just the equipment.

Your MiniMed 680G pump can easily be disconnected and set aside for the duration of the test and you can do without insulin for a couple of hours or, if you are running high before disconnecting, calculate and give yourself a bolus. Your glucose sensor apparatus has some metal in it, and could interfere with or effect the EMG impulse. Sensor placement someplace on your body away from testing location may not affect the impulse. Your safety is what is important.

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Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had any ā€œmachine testsā€ but with radiology tests such as MRIs/x-rays/CT scans itā€™s typically advised that you remove your pump. With Minimed/Tandem I would unplug at the site and leave my pump in a locker or in the technicianā€™s area (if they let me).
The technician is probably the best person to ask. If you use a specialty center I would think they would have some written material with official info on order to prepare in advance if necessary (rather than getting it from a receptionist who may or may not be well versed).

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I had an EMG test earlier this year, and had the test done while I was sporting a Libre 3 on my arm. The test did not affect my CGM at all, it continued working just fine after the test. The EMG is an electrical test between your neck and fingertips on each arm. If you wear your pump on your abdomen, I would expect it to be a non-issue. Even if you wore your pump on your arm, I would expect that the electronics in the pump are safely isolated from electrical jolts. Consider static charge, or if you were an electrician and occasionally got a shock from your work. These units are designed with a large margin of safety.
Not only that, but an EMG test is done by putting a ground on your fingertips, then applying a brief electrical charge at your neck and upper arm in a few different places. As you have a ground strap attached to you, the current is going to take the path of least resistance, which is to those ground straps on your fingers.


@JTR19 , Thanks for that explanation. I have no issue removing the pump, itā€™s just the CGM that is such an ordeal. Itā€™s on my upper left arm. Itā€™s good until Sunday, unless I have to remove it Friday for the EMG. Theyā€™re going to be testing my hands and feet.

I had an EMG test on my legs about 15 years ago, only that was before I wore a pump or CGM. Technology, has probably changed, however I watched some tests on You Tube and it seemed rather similar to what I had.

I used to schedule radiology tests towards the very end of my sensorā€™s life, then Dexcom told me they would replace them. After thatI took a spare with me, and put it on and called for a replacement after the test was done,
Wishing you all the best with your test!

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@wadawabbit , Good idea. Iā€™ll call about a sensor replacement. If it turns out that I will need to remove transmitter, Iā€™ll set it to charge during the test. Iā€™ll have to insert new sensor fast though, because they close at 5:00 and test is at 3:00. But,would like to start 2 hour warm up before I leave to hit Friday rush hour (gridlock) traffic.

I took the earliest appointment they had. Iā€™m anxious to get answers.

Presumably Medtronicā€™s replacement policy is the same as Tandemā€™s but do call and check in advance so you will have the official word and not just something shared on a forumšŸ˜Š. Sounds like you have a good plan in place! Again, all the best to you.

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