Breakthrough T1D: The organization powering T1D breakthroughs past, present and future
After two years of research and feedback from the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community, we’re excited to introduce you to Breakthrough T1D. We are bringing our 50+ year history with us, while aligning our brand with who we are today—the leading global T1D organization working to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent, and treat T1D and its complications.
Congrats on the new site name - it’s going to take some getting used to after all these years but it’ll come.
Wanted to point out that the black on blue text in this button is hard to read. It looks like you got most of them.
I don’t know what browser you are using Dorie, on Chrome on windows, the same setting is a white box, black line outline, black text, for me - I’ll go check Safari on iOS
Now I’m confused, this is only showing up on this particular thread. If I go to other threads and conversations, it shows up differently! Perhaps it was fixed during this conversation @Pookiemom
I’m saying I am getting the same result as you are when I look at this topic on my phone. but this is the only topic doing it (for me). it shows up normally on my phone for other topics.
The new name is going to take some getting used to…I just got used to JDRF. I have tons of JDRF & JDF merch. I guess that just makes me old…almost 31 years with this disease. I realize that you just changed the name, but please bring back the Type 1 Looks Like Me pages, especially the one where you make your own infographic of type 1 diabetes stats. I hope someone sees this and puts those features back. Thank you.