Libre 3 Failures

T1D for 50 years, been using Freestyle LIbre’s since 2017. Started using Libre 3 in January, 2024.
I have searched online and can’t find anything like my issue.
I am having almost a 50 % failure rate, 7 failures since 01/2024 (had 2 fail in June).
Abbott replaces them, but I feel with that many failures, something is amiss.
It is always Signal Loss or Sensor Error.
I’m using the Android App on a Moto Stylus G 5G phone. When this first started, I switched to a different phone and the problem continued.
I’m never more then 20ft from the phone, and have had alerts when the phone has not been on me, no problem.
Signal Loss errors aren’t as frequent as Sensor Errors, and with either, I do get readings again, maybe 25% of the time, the rest, I have to replace the sensor, I use a patch over the sensor and they aren’t falling off or loose.
Now, I am a brittle T1D however, I have not been able to correlate any error with a rapid change in glucose level, when I get Sensor Errors I use a fingerstick. The lowest reading during a failure was 62, the highest 180, 40 minutes after breakfast. The readings before and/or after were not dramatically different,
In one conversation with the Abbott Customer support, I got the feeling they were aware of the problem, they didn’t want the latest sensor returned and it was the quickest and easiest call I’d ever had. Since, I have tried to push to get more info, but no luck.

Hi Dave, I use Libre 2 With A reader. It is not compatible with my iPhone. It has been very reliable for me. Rarely a sensor failure. when I compare readings to a finger prick they are pretty close. I know it’s an another apparatus to carry, but I have faith in its reliability. John

I had no problems with the Libre 2 when I used a reader and then when I went to my Android phone, still no problems.
This started with the Libre 3.

Hi @Dave52 . I use Dexcom, have an iPhone, and my Omnipod controller is my receiver. So despite the fact that we have nothing in common I did want to share a tip I got from Apple that helps when my phone is acting “buggy”: Apple Support told me to reset my network settings. Resetting the network settings does not affect anything on your phone - I’m not a techie but I would say it cleared out any crud that was floating around in the background, and afterwards the problems went away.
You might see if that works on your Android. All the best to you.

The problem has happened on multiple phones, so I don’t believe it’s the Android operating system and I don’t believe it’s the phones. I had tried resetting the network early on.
I’ve monitored the data stream coming into the phone (with the help of the phone manufacturer).
Everything points to it being the sensor or the app.
I’m surprised I haven’t seen orhers online avout this.

Hi @Dave52 welcome to Breakthrough T1D. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I totally agree it’s not your phone, especially with sensor errors. My only advice is to rotate to any other available body sites that work with Libre and see if you get “better, same, or worse” results. Sometimes comparison is the only way to start. Good luck.

Despite the approval process medical devices must go through, sometimes a small change makes a particular device incompatible for some users, got reasons that may not be known until many contact the company with complaints such as yours. Can you go back to the version that worked for you? Is that an option?

Interesting comment there. My Medicare durable equipment provider, switched me from the Libre 2 to the 3. I thought the 3 was great, not having to put the phone to the sensor to check my glucose level. 2 months later, they realized the Libre 3 was not yet approved by Medicare and put me back on the Libre 2, not the end-of-the-world, but disappointing, Then once the 3 was Medicare approved, I was back on the Libre 3.
I could revert back to the Libre 2, I keep hoping the issue will be resolved, but since it doesn’t appear to be a common problem, I’m not sure.
FWIW, I admit I do not have much (if any) faith in Abbott. When the Android app first came out, that was wonderful. As time went on and Abbott would “update” the app, I started noticing problems. I tried working with their customer service reps but that was just added frustration, I was a radio communications engineer so my experience told me what they were stating the problem was, was incorrect.
I decided to find a previous version of the app that worked, I installed it and the problems were gone and I never allowed the app to update. I saw a lot of comments on the app store commenting about the failures. I added a comment and instructions about installing the previous version. There were replies that worked for others.
Shortly after that, I forgot to stop a new update and the app updated. When I tried to install the old app version, a message popped-up that the old version could not be installed,
That told me Abbott was paying attention and had the nerve to not allow my fix to continue.

Abbott states the only location is the back of the upper arm. I have seen comments from users trying different spots. Some claim no change others claiming they saw a difference in readings.
I’ll have to think about that “will putting the sensor in a different body location eliminate the errors”?

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Hi Dave, I use my upper left arm between my shoulder and bicep. It’s easier to reach, haha. No big deal though.

Hello Dave. I’ve met the black magic kind of RF engineers, the black t-shirt RF engineers. Where did you fall on the spectrum?

Did you check if the sensors were part of the recall? Home | FreeStyle - Abbott The recall problem is different than what you describe but it’s an easy problem to cross off the list.

Have you checked the event log in the app at Menu | Help | Event Log? I haven’t had a Libre for years but the Libre 3 manual says it still exists and has text in addition to the error numbers.

As a troubleshooting step Joe’s suggestion to try a different site is a good one but you don’t have to jump to your abdomen. Are you rotating your sites as in different arm every 2 weeks and offsetting the sensor some amount that lets you heal completely before using the site again? Do you have a little fat on your arms or are you working around your muscles? Over the years have you found the limits of the areas where sensors work before you start running into muscle or blood vessels or so far around the back (or front) your body is blocking the Bluetooth from reaching your preferred phone pocket?

Just to clarify, have you had the app tell you to replace a sensor after it hasn’t communicated for a while? If so, how long was it?

The call center has no idea what is going on. They are contractors that read from their script and that’s the end of it. I tried to report a software bug in their reader and got no response.

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Haha as far as “black magic RF engineering”, I’ve been anywhere from 1.00 MHz to 40 GHz. Their was definitely some black magic in there at times.
The sensors were not part of the recall.
The event log had several reoccurring “codes” . 57, 4193, 373 but never a 335 Sensor Error.
I alternate arms with each new sensor and try not to put it in the same area as the one from a month previous. No muscle of bleeding issues.
Only one time did I get the “Replace sensor” message and to be honest, I don’t recall if that was with the 3 or a while ago with a 2.
I’m fortunate, due to changing DME providers 1 month’s supply was duplicated, so I have two extra sensors, so a failure is not as serious.
One time, (here in the US) I called on a Saturday. I got a rep that knew their stuff, turned out to be a T1D as well and his English was understandable. That was the “easy” call I mentioned earlier.
And while I understand 1st level customer support is more like a robot, IMO any language “barrier” creates further frustration, that’s happened a couple of times.

I’m so glad you said you mentioned your DME provider again.

Don’t let DME companies make medical decisions for you. Now, except for the problem you are having, the Libre 3 should be better than the Libre 2. Any second now there should be a Libre 3 Plus available that is less susceptible to interferences (vitamin C and acetaminophen?) As long as the product is still for sale, stick with the product you want*.

Googling the codes. 57 is sensor start, 4193 is signal loss and 373 is scan again, which is exactly what you described. But if there aren’t any Sensor Error or Replace Sensor codes logged, what is your criteria for saying a sensor failed?

*I heard a doc talking about diabetes tech today give good advice: “Don’t marry your devices, date them.”

As far as knowing the sensor failed, the app has the message “Sensor Error” with - - -, but there is never an event log to match up with it. I only had the 1 373 code and that was in the middle of a night when I wasn’t actively checking.
To be more specific…
I was using the Libre 14 day, the 2 had been out for awhile but I didn’t want to change until it had been in use for awhile. When the 14 day reader failed, Abbott no longer supplied the 14 day reader, so the DME offered and I had to move to the Libre 2, that was my decision with no other option available.
I researched the codes when this first started and there is more info out there since, but nothing to assist narrowing this down.
In thinking back only 1 time did I get the unavailable scan again in 10 minutes message where waiting and scanning later worked. Usually once I get the message that’s it.
I do a test strip, wait and if still no reading in 10-15 minutes, change the sensor.

Libre 3 user guide pdf page 155 Table 49 Glucose Reading Capture Rate Over
Wear Duration (Adult; n=150) Day 1 seems to be an outlier so the next lowest capture rate is 97.4% on day 2. Libre 3 does 1440 readings a day so that means 37-38 readings weren’t captured by the sensor. There aren’t any specs or trial data about the app’s capture rate. Consider waiting longer before replacing the sensor.

A lot of the data presented there is for the 3 Plus, not sure it matters, just an FYI.
And Thanks for that, nice to have a copy of that in pdf on my PC. I admit I don’t spend time watching for info from Abbott.
After the first couple Sensor Error failures, waiting up to 30 minutes and not getting readings, I just wait one time now. While fingersticks aren’t the worst, adding multiple “wait 10 minutes” with no luck and then an hour for a new a sensor to be available, changing the sensor made more sense to me.
See you on my new topic, CGM’s and TSA lol

Ones thing I have noticed very occasionally with my Dexcom is I get a lost signal message if the “lines of sight” between my sensor and receiver aren’t clear enough. My receiver is typically in a pouch on my body or next less that feet away from it. No problems getting numbers. But there have been times I was lying on top of one of them and that interfered with the signal. So it’s not always distance.
I’ve also found that denim - and only denim - seems to interrupt communication: if I wear my sensor on my thigh under a pair of jeans I have signal issues of my receiver is on the opposite side of my body. Same side, no problem. Only with denim - go figure🤪.

I’m very happy with the communication distance between the sensor and my phone. While I usually have it in a case on my belt, I have left it lying somewhere only to hear an alert from a room or 2 away.
It’s 75ft from my kitchen to my bedroom, last week I got caught in a Florida thunderstorm, the dog and I got soaked. I took the phone out and set on the kitchen table and ran to towel off. I heard it, running in a storm with a dog can cause low blood sugar? lol :slight_smile:

Dave52- I’ve been using the Libre 3 for about 8 months with only one sensor failure. I have an Iphone and the Libre 3 reader, I’ve switched back and forth between the two to get L3 readings and both work well.

If you haven’t tried the Libre 3 reader, consider trying it before you give up on the Libre 3. With a prescription it should be covered by your insurer.

There was a recall recently of some L3 sensors with specific lot #s. It doesn’t sound like that is related to the problems you’re having but I wanted to make sure you’re aware.

Hopefully the reader will resolve the sensor errors- please let us know !

Best, Joanne

When the problem with Libre 3s first started, I tried going back and forth between two different Android phones and the problem continued on both.
When you say “sensor failure” were you getting sensor error messages from the app on your phone?