I’ve been living with type 1 for 6 year now. I’m on the original Omnipod System and Dexcom G6. I suffer from lots of hypos and I’m hypo unaware, I’ve tried lots of things to help this that doctors have recommended but nothing has worked. I have on average 2-5 hypos a day with no symptoms and my sugars drop incredibly fast. I’ve recently had a few seizures from hypoglycaemia and it’s been very exhausting to say the least
I’ve been put on a priority list by my doctor for an automated closed loop / hybrid insulin delivery system. I have an IPhone so the Ypsomed is not an option for me. My options are Omnipod 5, Medtronic 780G, and the T slim x2.
Id love to hear from anyone who has used or is using these pumps. And how you get on it with it, what do you like / dislike about it?
Is there anyone who also suffers from bad hypos or hypo unawareness on these pumps and has it helped at all?
I am not really bothered about the pump having a tube or not as I’m sure I could adjust.
My only concern with the Medtronic is having to have a new CGM, so If anyone’s on the Medtronic pump how do you find the accuracy of the CGM results? I have my Dexcom low alerts set quite high at 5.5 as I drop very quick, I’d be a bit worried starting a new CGM that it might not catch my lows in time.
Id like to hear everyone’s views before picking one because I will be tied into warranty of having the pump for 4 years, unless I pick the Omnipod 5
I don’t use a lot of insulin, my daily basal is currently 9.50U and my bolus is around 15-20U a day
I really appreciate any advice and support, thanks
Hi @liamrobertson221 . I switched from Tandem CIQ loop to Omnipod5 almost exactly a year ago. I find the Omnipod algorithm works better for me overall than CIQ, but of course that varies from person to person. If Omnipod5 is am option for you I would suggest you try it out first, since there is no commitmen. Keep in mind that even with a closed loop system it will take a little time to get good background settings in place, regardless which pump you choose. There’s a lot more to Omnipod5 than just “plug and go” but in auto mode that pump adjusts delivery according to your body’s needs so you will need to wait and let it do is thing - this may take two or three pods so don’t get discouraged.
I like to think most issues with glucose extremes can be managed with the good background settings in a pump, assuming the user is doing their part as well - no judgment on you. But sometimes that’s not the case. That said, I do wonder if it might be worth your while to consult with another endo? Sometimes a different perspective can be helpful. Hopefully whoever you see is familiar with closed loop systems and are familiar with the special nature of the Omnipod5.
Hi Liam I have had T1 diabetes for close to 50 years but have only used a pump for about 6. Started with medtronics 670 g upgraded to the 770 and then did the software upgrade to 780 g about 2 months ago along with the g4 sensors. The sensor readings are mostly pretty close to the few finger sticks and my time in range is much better since I updated. I have been out of warranty for close to a year and I am honestly thinking of staying with medtronics. When I was using the 670 and 770, I would have switched if given an easy option. I only stayed with the 770 because the 780 was close and I am glad I did.
I started on a Medtronic pump. The pump was fine, but their sensors did not work well on me. Too many false alarms! So, since my pump was still under warranty, I could only switch sensors and I got the Dexcom. So much better! Once my pump warranty expired, I was able to get a Tandem T:slim X2 pump, which works with my Dexcom. I really like this combo.
I also have/had hypo unawareness. This is why I started on a pump. While I still have an occasional low that I don’t recognize, the pump has helped a great deal. The more in control you are of your blood sugars, the more you will start to recognize your lows - - at least that is what I have found.
To me, the most important thing is to have a CGM that works well for you. As I said, Medtronic’s CGMs did not work for me. Dexcom does. I do know people that like Medtronic though, so it really is an individual thing.
While I could enter my Dexcom readings into the Medtronic pump (same way you would enter finger stick readings), I find it easier to have a pump that connects wirelessly to my CGM. This is why I switched to the Tandem pump. I have also tried Omnipod, which also works with my Dex, but I had too many issues with it. 1) It requires more insulin than I use in 3 days, so I had a lot of wasted insulin. 2) I had a lot of pod failures - - more wasted insulin! 3) I found it uncomfortable to wear. So, I am sticking with my Tandem for now.
@liamrobertson221 , I think you’ll find any closed-loop system (where the pump/Pod reacts to CGM trends) a huge improvement. I won’t repeat the typing I did in the Tandem Mobi FDA approval discussion. I’m Podding now (Pod5), I used 2nd-gen Pods but switched to Tandem because the PDF for Pod2gen was so bulky and the Insulet hadn’t innovated in forever. Once the controller became an app on my phone (or a phone-sized PDM), and once the CGM and the Pods communicated, I came back.
I’ve been pumping since '93, and never cared whether my pump had tubing or not…until I got used to podding for 4+ years. Tubing isn’t a deal-breaker, but I do prefer tubeless.
Like @wadawabbit, I found that the “Auto Mode” of Pod5 is a better fit for my glucose control. I’m down 0.5 on all my AICs this past year after going tubeless. To be fair, my last Tandem went out-of-warranty just before the newest Control- or Basal-IQ firmware update.
My main reasons for returning to OmniPod are that no other pump seems as sturdy nor as waterproof as Omnipod. For more details, check the link above–as well as discussion about what “waterproof” may or may not mean.
When I got my first pump sometime in the mid-1990s one of the choices was a pump that purported to be waterproof. At least that was the term I had in my head - the proper term may have been water resistant although many people who are not engineers use the terms interchangeably. Here are the distinctions (water repellent is included as well). From (What Does Waterproof Actually Mean? Seriously. | HZO)
Water-resistant: able to resist the penetration of water to some degree but not entirely
Water-repellent: not easily penetrated by water, especially as a result of being treated for such a purpose with a surface coating
Waterproof: [impervious to water]
Below is the information about various pumps’ “water aversion😊” (my term). Always do your own research to make sure the information is up to date:
At the time of manufacture and when the reservoir and tubing are properly inserted, your pump is waterproof. It is protected against the effects of being underwater to a depth of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) for up to 24 hours. This is classified as IPX8 rating. See user guide for more details.
The sensor and transmitter are water-resistant at 8 feet (2.4 meters) for up to 30 minutes. CGM readings may not be transmitted from the CGM to the pump while in water.
Omnipod5: ADA Consumer Guide
Water Resistance:
The pod is waterproof for up to 25 feet deep for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof. Data