I have been recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes after having constantly fluctuating weights and some other embarrassing symptoms that landed me in urgent care. I come from a Christian household so at the beginning of my diagnosis I acted like I didn’t have diabetes and it was all just stress. Even though I have nearly passed out due to severe hypoglycemic episodes, it still feels like my family does not believe I need help. Currently, I only have my Dexcom but that has been acting faulty the last couple of days.
I get very lonely when I have these hypoglycemic episodes and realize that there is no one to call. It also bothers me that my family would not know how to help me if I lose consciousness one day. When it happens and i almost pass out, I get scared that my family wont know what to do and I’ll end up in the hospital or worse a coma. I also don’t have any friends who understand that it’s autoimmune so it makes me want to not socialize as often because I shouldn’t be going out to eat all the time or straying from my schedule.
I guess it is just a stressful time because I’m studying for my MCAT, working, and feeling like shit every other day. I am not sure what advice I need but it’s nice to get this off my chest and hopefully, someone can relate.