T1D for 20 Years, Seeking Research Participants(survey) in Our Community!

Dear members of the Type 1 community,

My name is David Kalter and I have lived with Type 1 for over 20 years. I am currently getting my doctorate in clinical psychology from Loyola University Maryland, and in clinical internship at Tulane University. I hope to work with and support children and adolescents of our community with the issues I once faced as a diabetic. I am also currently writing my dissertation, and I need your help.

A cure to diabetes has likely been brought up to all of us, and it is often said to be “5 years away”. Whether that is true, or hopeful, I began to ask myself “what happens when we are cured?” And with that question, this study was born. I’m hoping to prepare us for that potential cure, by looking at the way other chronic disease populations respond to cures and assessing if the same reactions occur in our Type 1 population. With that in mind, I’m hoping you will fill out some surveys that will allow us to see how our population might respond to a cure, and what other factors may contribute to how we respond individually will likely respond.

We are looking for individuals with Type 1 diabetes, above the age of 18 years old, insulin dependent, independent with their adherence, have access to a computer with internet, and who are willing to fill out a survey. Individuals under the age of 18 are not welcome to participate in the study. Additionally, those with a co-morbid chronic medical condition, or those with a diagnosis of serious mental illness may be subject to exclusionary criteria.

Please click this link to fill out the survey: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management