TSlim Update To G7 and Freestyle

Thanks, Dennis,

Both are on my arm - - G6 on my left and G7 on my right. I felt more in line with the G7. I did not test a second time, so I’m not sure about the “dump.”


Hi Joe!
Yes, it works great!
Thanks again!

I am a KP member (for decades), as well as a KP employee, as well as a TDI. I use the TSlim 2 and Dexcom G7. I was on the Dexcom G6 and my PharmD chose to upgrade me to the G7 because of a feature it has that I needed that the G6 did not. Unfortunately, my pump went out of warranty just as the G7’s were delivered and I was unable to upgrade its software to accommodate the G7 and so I had to get a new prescription for a new pump (but, hey, I got a new pump!).

It is not up to the length of the prescription. It is up to one’s KP PCP/PharmD, who can always write a new prescription any time s/he deems it necessary; however, there must be a valid reason (say, beyond one just wanting the lastest “iPhone” version) for doing so. Their prescriptions get audited.

And so, If the G6s are working, there is no valid reason for KP to incur the cost of upgrading to G7s if there’s still time left on the prescription for G6s.

Bottom line: Talk with your physician/PharmD regarding reasons to upgrade and see if they will write a prescription for the G7s (and, if so, most likely for a new pump if your currently one’s warranty is about to run out or you are unable to upload the G7 software onto it).

@mkenni, I used this G7 feature on MDI. In order to do it you need two devices with Dexcom app or one device with the app and the G7 receiver. Have one connected to your old sensor and one to the new sensor. You can compare the two sensor results until the old sensor dies.

Having a pump means you can use the pump for the old sensor and phone to get readings from the new sensor.

@gmershon - I tried this, but when I went to pair the new sensor on my pump after the old one died, the pump would not allow me to keep using the “new” sensor, saying I needed to replace it. So, I ended up wasting a perfectly good sensor. Any advise on how to keep this from happening?


Pam K.

Pam @pamcklein, only one sensor can be paired with t-Slim at a time - for very good and obvious reasons. The old sensor must be disconnected [STOP Sensor} before the new one is paired. Keep in mind, that once the t-Slim is paired, 4 digit code entered, the pump becomes the Primary Receiver.

If you want to watch results from multiple sensors, they must be paired with different receivers, on for each sensor. As an example, when migrating to G7 from G6, I had up to three sensors operating to watch and compare readings from an expiring G7, a fresh G7, and an overlapping G6; my t-Slim was paired only with the expiring [12 hour grace period] G7. When I was ready to pair the new G7 with t-Slim, I needed to completely power down the G7 Receiver t with which the new G7 had been paired during the experiment.

Thanks Dennis, That answers my question! i did not “power down” the receiver on the new sensor. I hadn’t thought to do that! And this will keep the receiver from telling me this sensor is old and that I need to stop it and put in another new one, correct?

Thanks again,


Pam @pamcklein, you will get plenty of reminders beginning at 24 hours before the time you actually planted the sensor on your body, not the time you put in the pairing code and begin receiving data.
Both my pump and my phone where I have the G7 app running send me messages and remind me that I will continue receiving data for up to 12 hours in the grace period… If you haven’t already paired a new sensor during the grace period, the old one will send a message as the time gets short - I think when there is only one hour left in grace.

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@Dennis @pamcklein and if you let it go beyond that 12 hour grace… it plays a loud door chime and tells you that the sensor has stopped. In order for me to get consistent accurate G7 data, I put the new sensor in my arm when the old one expires, but I do not pair it to anything until the 12 hour “grace” period is over… works (for me) like a charm!

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@Dennis - What I was referring to is when the old sensor dies. My pump kept telling me that the new sensor was old and that I needed to replace it when I tried to switch from the old one to the new one. I thought this was because I already had it running on my phone (the new sensor). But, from what you said, it sounds like if I power down my phone before telling the pump this is a new sensor that should solve the problem. Yes?



It may be just me, Pam @pamcklein, but I don’t rely on my phone, the Secondary device, to work properly so I always end old sensor from my pump, the PRIMARY receiver, and pair pump with the new sensor - pairing is almost instantaneous.
Then I pair the new sensor with my phone which can take up to 10 minutes. If you haven’t unpaired the old sensor from your pump, STOP Sensor at the top of CGM menu, you can not pair another sensor.

Pam @pamcklein, an example of device independence, how the phone, thankfully, can not disconnect, unpair, the CGM from the t-Slim. Anecdotal.

The grace period for my OLD sensor was scheduled to expire at 6:43 this morning. As my CGM change times began creeping later and later into the day, I wanted to shift back to morning changes without loosing valuable G7 usage. I placed a new G7 on my arm around 11:00 PM the previous night and allowed it to warm up and acclimate to my body. The 30 minute warning awoke me so I paired my t-Slim at 6:15 and went to find my phone. The phone G7 app was initially displaying BGL differences of 20 mg/dl; for about 20 minutes I watched the two separate CGM reading close in on one another - the OLD sensor reading 105 of my on my phone and NEW sensor reading on my t-Slim. At this point I ended the app and paired my phone.

My Clarity app shows two sets of readings for 7+ hours.

Thank you @Dennis. I think this answers my question. I thought that if I stopped the sensor on my pump, it would automatically stop it on my phone as well. So, I tried the reverse, which did not work. I will keep trying until I get it right.

Thanks again,

Pam K.

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