670G or wait for 780g (currently on TSlimX2)

@HighHopes Dee, I have my own views on why the 670 was pushed through the FDA approval process in less than three weeks, but I’ll keep my opinions to myself. I agree with you on the screen size and orientation. I passed on the 630 when it came out because of the screen. Medtronic has a great upgrade program for current users that costs very little money. I saw my Endo yesterday, he said he’s got two patients on the 780 for the trials right now and they both love it. Both of these individuals were part of the 670 trials and hated that pump. He also said the 780 is phenomenal, for him to say that is a big deal. I’m eligible to upgrade to a new pump in march, I’m seriously considering the 780 over another Tandem.


This is very interesting. I’m not sure where I will be headed. My insurance changes drastically in Jan. and I’m not sure how my pump and supplies will be covered. I’ve always had excellent coverage that covered really anything I needed and next year, I expect it to be quite different.

So, will Medtronic offer me an upgrade if my warranty on 670 is still good? I’d try a change for sure. I’ve been doing a little better in manual mode, but, still…I had a sensor updating marathon yesterday that resulted in a failure about 6:00 p.m. So, inserted new sensor around that time and began Warm up. I’m used to about a 30 point difference in finger stick BG and Guardian BG, but, last night and today was crazy. Each time, there has been from 50 to 100 point difference! This is a first. No idea what’s going on. I’m going to drink plenty of water and call Medtronic if it’s not better by midday. The fun never ends with this thing! lol

Dee @HighHopes, if you can maintain relatively good glucose management with your current 670G, it may be worth your while waiting for completion of the 780G trials and then make your decision.

Medtronic has said that it has addressed many of the user gripes inherent in its present flagship, the MiniMed 670G. Additionally, if Medtronic is able to integrate the apparently awesome claim of Klue, a recent Medtronic acquisition, the 780G could become the first completely “closed-loop” system. My assessment also assumes improved reliability of the Guardian sensor.

Medtronic often allows upgrade incentive for current users of its “in-warranty” devices.

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@Dennis, that’s good to know. I suppose I’m a little jaded at this point. But, I have few options that are feasible, so…
I did find this article about Klue. The project sounds ambitious.
Medtronic scoops up gesture-tracking startup Klue to bolster personalized closed loop system | MobiHealthNews

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I have narrowed it down to going with the tslim in February 2021 when I am eligible. The idea of the tslim being upgradable and the integration of dexcom g6 make it a game changer for me. I like the idea that it looks more like a smartphone than an actual pump. I can’t see waiting the extra 5 years to get the next best software before I get a new pump. There is a program in Ontario that buys me a new pump every 5 years. I use the dexcom g6 already and the tandem pump would suit my needs best.

I hate to sound so all over the place, but, now, I’m thinking of the Omnipod. I’ve heard some very good things.

A dear friend of mine who’s 10 year old son was diagnosed type 1 this summer has the OmniPod dash. They have nothing but problems with it. Pod failure after pod failure is her experience. She tells me all the time that she wants to switch to the Tandem but UHC won’t let her. Hopefully, she can get the 780 when it comes out in a few months.

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Hi @RosiesAllStars. I use the Tandem with Dexcom G5, not G6 but though I would share anyway😊:
I’ve heard many people complain about fill time when compared to Minimed - which I used many years ago. I load several cartridges of insulin when I get a new bottle, and store them in a sealed Tupperware container in my fridge; so when it’s time for a site change I just have to connect and prime the tubing. If you’re concerned about contamination because it’s been out of its desired package but I’ve never had a problem. It’s been a while but I think the actual insertion time of the infusion set is comparable to Minimed’s once you’ve filled.
TSLIM has a manual bolus feature that works with Dexcom’s G5 (don’t know about the 6) so if I don’t want to use my pump’s calculation I can administer the dosage I chose in increments as small as 05 units.
I get my supplies from Edgepark and they’ve airways been extremely helpful. Suppliers vary by insurance but I’ve had a number of different plans and it’s taken under all of them.
I find charging is pretty quick - about a minute for each percentage of battery - so I plug in while I’m watching TV or in the shower and am good to go in no time - I’ve even used my car charger if necessary. Does Minimed still run on batteries? That is a convenience but now that I charge my TSLIM I prefer to go that route. If there’s a power failure I can always jump in my car or use a portable charger, but if I run out of batteries I’m dead in the water and you can’t always get to the store. So there are pro’s and cons of either charging method.
That said, choosing a pump is a very personal decision, and my alternatives may not appeal to you. Wishing you the best as you consider the options.

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Hi all. I have been using medtronic’s 530G for years. I don’t know how many, but I know it is out of warranty and worrying that I should have a replacement plan in mind. When I first got this pump I tried the sensors and found them painful, short-lasting and entirely unreliable. The alarms interrupted my sleep. I think I tried two different iterations of medtronic sensors with same result and so I’ve just been using the pump alone–no cgm. I would like to give cgm another try, but reading all of your responses makes me think the same problems I had several years ago are continuing. Has anyone tried using Libre 14-day along with a medtronic pump? (Or one of those sensors which can be surgically embedded?) Or either of those with a T-slim? I would love to try T-slim because it would fit in my pockets better and not look as obviously like a medical device. I feel like I have let myself lapse into the technological dark ages. Any advice will be appreciated!

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Hi Elizebeth, I use the MiniMed 630g with the 14 day Libre. I like to keep things simple in every way possible with managing my T1; so no beeps and alarms other than to replace a battery or to refill my cannula. If I have a rough day, I’ll set my Apple Watch timer to vibrate every 30 min. or hour to check my bs to make adjustments to my basals or bolus. It works for me, my personal way to be in charge :wink:


Hi Elizabeth. I love my Tslim and Dexcom G5 combo. I have used the Freestyle Libre on occasion if I ran out of Dexcom sensors, and really liked it. The Libre does not communicate with your pump (at least Tslim) so you have to use the Libre receiver; but I actually found using the Libre was quicker and more convenient than pulling my pump out of my pocket to check my numbers. Dexcom’s G5 requires calibration and the last I heard the Libre was not approved for that, so you have to do fingersticks.


Thanks for your quick reply, Patti. I like to keep it simple as well and had such an awful experience with the earlier Medtronic sensors that this might be the way for me to go. Am I correct that I can upgrade to the latest Medtronic pump–which I think would be the 670G but NOT do the whole “system”? (I’m sure some Medtronic rep. would be glad to tell me all about why I shouldn’t do that. haha) I could then try the 14 day Libre as a baby step into cgm, see if it makes a big difference for me. I won’t mind scanning my iPhone over my arm whenever I want but know I wouldn’t like alarms all the time. Your input is helpful.

Thanks for your quick reply, Dorie! I think I can use an iPhone as a “receiver” for the Libre. Unfortunately I will need to update my iPhone first, or I’d have tried it already! I am hoping my old 530G will last long enough for me to try the Freestyle Libre first, see how I like it. Then I can decide on whether to upgrade in Medtronic or try the Tslim. Glad to hear you liked the Libre.

Yes you can upgrade and not even use the medtronic CGM. They tried to get me on the 670 but I said I only needed the 630 since I would not be using the CGM with it. All I need is the bolus wizard. I told them that I use the Libre because of an allergy to platinum in the Medtronic sensor wire. I’ll never be able to use anything but Libre, but I’ll continue to upgrade my pump. So either the 630 or 670 can be used as just a pump

Thanks. I talked to a Medtronic rep and feel better about this whole thing. I’d been worrying about my 530G being out of warranty and due to die soon, but was assured it might in fact last another couple of years and, at any rate, that Medtronic would still send me a loaner if it died suddenly without my having yet purchased a new one. I’ll try the 14-day Libre with my current pump and see how I like it. Good to know there is a community out there I can ask about things like this.

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That’s good news, I loved my 530, but it was out of warranty and had a crack on the screen so I finally decided to upgrade. I’ve used the Libre a couple years now, and really like it. I’ve learned how to make sure it sticks good for the 14 days so if you need any tips I’m happy to help. The reader gets used most of the time over my iPhone because it’s actually quicker to push the button & scan than to open the app, touch the on screen sensor pic then scan. Plus at drs appts they can download all the info from the reader, but cannot from the phone app. I’ve named my reader “Tank” because he goes to battle with me everyday :wink:


All of this information is so valuable. I have also considered just using my Medtronic 670 Pump and getting a Libre CGM. I’m not sure what my new insurance will cover moving forward in 2020. I switched companies, because, my current one was just way too expensive and starting 2020, I’ll be under a lot of restrictions. I’ve had to switch my long time primary and endo to new providers. It’s super scary, but, you do what you have to do, right? I’m working on a survival mode right now and planning on what measures I’ll take if I have to really go back to basics.

I’m not sure I can get my pump and CGM supplies approved and covered for refill before they run out. I may have enough pump supplies to get me through a few weeks, but, not CGM, so, I may have to pay for a Libre out of pocket. It’s good to know that I do have some options. Worst case scenario, I could return to MDIs, but, I hope to avoid that.

In the past I’ve expressed a personal preference for a pump with tubing; but for reasons I won’t bore you with I’m starting to consider the Omnipod. I tried a sample a few years ago but it just shows you the size and how it feels, so it didn’t answer my questions. I did a little searching on their website and didn’t find the answers, and don’t want to contact them and be added to their sales list just yet, plus I like feedback from real life users, so:

  1. I have a TSLIM now, and used to have Minimed. With both pumps I fill(ed) several cartridges in advance and store(d) them in a container in the fridge, which saves a step when it’s time to change the site. It’s caused no problems for me in over 20 years doing it. Can you do that with the pods, or do you have to fill them immediately before use?
  2. I’ve read they hold 3 days worth of insulin. If you use less than expected can you keep it on the extra day? And if there’s still insulin left can you retrieve it (not a good idea, I know, but I’m curious).
  3. If I recall chiefly the pod is (or can be) integrated with a CGM. Does the PDM act as the receiver or do you have to carry around a separate one? I hate to drain my phone’s battery so wouldn’t use it for that purpose.
    Thanks all! Wishing everyone the best for 2020.

My sensors don’t last 7 days and according to MEDTRONIC they’re not suppose to🤷🏽‍♀️If it goes out earlier than that I go to the website and request a replacement. So far they’ve replaced them.

I have a Medtronic 670G and use the G sensors. I can’t wait for my contract to end and move to Dexcom. The G sensors are frequently off, I don’t trust them. If Medtronic ever gets to the stage where the pump will give you insulin, I would not trust it, one bit. I was on Dexcom a few years ago, and went back to Medtronic when they were FDA approved a few years ago. Somehow, they got approved with the sensors being ‘Better’. Anything would be better. My sensors are frequently going to Do not calibrate, sensor updating. My sensors hardly fall off due to the tape, unless I am very warm when I try to apply them. My sensors frequently say Change Sensor before the time is up, and usually the tape is still completely attached, and the part stuck in my skin is still perfectly straight. Medtronic will only replace 3 in a 90 day period, so I frequently have to eat the cost, for there bad sensor. the alarms are annoying. What am I to do, while driving, when the sensor is having an alarm. Hands Free Driving is the law in Mn, and handling an insulin pump and trying to read the messages doesn’t sound very hands free. You are the first person I have heard of that wants to go back to Medtronic.