April 2024 site visual theme is hard to read

Please run an accessibility report on forum.jdrf.org and address the visibility issues present in the current site design. The chosen colors were previously not great for readability but the theme implemented with the April 2024 update is now difficult to read. It is bad enough that I was going to suggest a restore be considered but I see the security fixes included in the current version are necessary.

Two examples:
Light grey text on a white background and small black text on a medium blue background.

Light gray and white text on a light blue background

I have checked the site on two browsers/devices/networks and the result is the same.
Chrome Version 124.0.6367.92/Windows and Safari/iOS 17.4.1

In addition to fixing this instance of visual accessibility please add running an accessibility report and a minimum acceptable accessibility definition to the upgrade checklist. Thank you.


Yeah, I see what you are saying. I don’t know how we can get the JDRF IT team involved in this situation.

I got a PM that the issue had already been brought up with the team inside JDRF. I get that fixing it may require a lot of hours. The latest version of the Discourse forum software has made some design changes that are amplifying the problems with the theme. This forum has been on Discourse for a lot of years so there is also a pile of quick fixes instead of hierarchical site design to work around. I am disappointed but not surprised no one from JDRF has at least posted to take ownership of the problem.

Hi @spdif Chris. This forum does not have a large staff. Even administration is part volunteer. I dont think it’s fair game to take jabs at a site with zero advertising and near zero monetizing. I’m glad you wrote. I’m glad you made good observations I’ll email the folks I know and perhaps some fonts and color schemes can be a small matter of changing the underlying site style. Changes will not be instantaneous. Please have patience. Thanks.

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