nice, I like to see that tiny number in the “very low” category!
@gmershon, all your numbers, especially taken as a group, are better than “good” and relative to diabetes management I try to avoid both good and bad. Your standard deviation gives high evidence of your efficient diabetes management skills.
I’d love to hear more about the ILet from those who are using it!
@pamcklein, I’ve been on it since last Oct and am more than happy to help answer questions you have. Have taken many calls about the pump and experience from others and found it to be more efficient to do over the phone - many answers elicit follow-up questions. DM me with your email address and I’ll respond with my contact info. Evenings PST are usually best time for me.
@Dennis, Wish I could take credit for those results. Unfortunately I can’t. To be honest, all I really do is add insulin, charge, change inset/CGM and announce less/usual/more meal size. My iLet pump is responsible for continuous BG management and above metrics.