Libre 3 Failures

I tried to create a poll asking which CGM people use but it came out with white text on a white background. Until I learn how to set text colors I’ll just say my gut feeling is out of the people who visit this forum regularly most use dexcom. When you first posted I did some googling and found people who have had the similar sounding problems so it isn’t just you.

Yesterday I saw someone with dexcom and an android phone say they had to shut down the phone then turn the phone on and start the app to solve some dexcom app problem. They said restarting didn’t work. Wouldn’t hurt to try. Microsoft pulls the same shenanigans with Windows where a restart isn’t the same as cycling power any more.

" When you first posted I did some googling and found people who have had the similar sounding problems so it isn’t just you."
I searched quite a bit before I came here, I didn’t see anything that matched my specific failure.
When I go through the event log, I do not see “373” codes that coincide with the failure.
There are a few there, but not at the times I got the “Sensor Error” on my phone.
According to Abbott, the Libre 3 failure rate is under 10% I would be happy with that.
IF you recall where you searched and found that info. please let me know.

T1D and new to Libre 3. I started 2 weeks ago and have gone through 4 sensors already. One came with a broken wire. Another would not connect to the app. The other 3 all gave an error message (Sensor Error) with the 'try again in 10 minutes. In all 3 cases those sensors never gave a reading again. They lasted between 5 and 6 days each. Abbott has been good about replacing, but I believe they know there is a problem with the app/sensor communication. I am going to look for an earlier version of the app which some people mentioned seem to work better. I have an android (Samsung S23). The help line at Abbott said they didn’t think it was an app problem and at this last phone call asked me to send in the defective sensor which I’m doing. Anyone got any additional advice?

Hi @Scott1542 Welcome to the forum. “Sensor Error” indicates the sensor is talking to the app but the reading or the rate of change is out of bounds and a couple of other rare reasons no one but Abbott knows. I’m still hoping waiting longer before changing the sensor will work for Dave, and you. We grilled Dave up above and gave him the best advice we had in this topic. Check it out and if your situation is different than his in some way let us know.

Otherwise… maybe try a Dexcom G7 and enjoy the better accuracy between 70-80ish mg/dL.

Lot of reading here.
Dave, I have been using the Libre 3 for 22 months now, and have had 4 sensor failures/replacements in that time. The first two were unknown cause, and were both cases of the app stating “signal loss” and it did not come back for 12 hours. At the 12 hour point I figured that the sensor was a goner and replaced them. The last two failures I have experienced were both failures where the app told me “sensor failure, you must replace the sensor”. Now, both of those instances happened with sensors that when I applied them, I struck a blood supply in the skin/subcutaneous region and immediately after installing the sensor it started to bleed. Both times the puncture site bled a LOT, like several minutes and blood was freely running out of the hole in the sensor. I do not know this to be the reason, but I believe that these sensors failed due to that blood coagulating in the cannula which prevented the sensor from being able to get the interstitial fluid to read. Now this bleeding has happened one more time, but somehow the sensor survived and worked normally for the entire 2 weeks. That last time, when I saw it start bleeding, I grabbed a box of Q-tips and started going through them rapidly, just touching the cotton tip to the hole in the sensor to absorb the blood. Had to do that for a couple minutes and went through a lot of Q tips, but I believe that using the absorbent cotton helped pull the blood out of the cannula.
I get signal loss anytime by BG is rising or falling rapidly. but it only takes a few minutes for that to work itself out and provide readings again.
Lastly, all of the obvious things you have probably already heard from Abbott: sensor must be on the back of the arm - the tricep region. Make sure that you are not consuming too much vitamin C in your diet.
Are your arms normal? In the sense that you do not have a lot of scar tissue or burns on your arms where the sensors go?

Again, my issue is with “Sensor Error”, anywhere from the 1st day of use to the last and so many of them.
I have had a little blood but nothing like what day your explaining, just a small spot after I removed the sensor after 14-days usage.