Thank you Kristin @Tlholz @gmershon @6yGodsGr @wadawabbit please read the reply from Kristin above and comment. My observations with the blue dot is that the black on blue font showing the number of unread replies is unreadable on mobile and difficult on desktop. Also the number counter does not update after reading the unread posts or even if you read the whole topic the number doesn’t change.
@joe I agree with everything you wrote. I can do without the little blue dots myself.
FYI I have not checked out the desktop, only the mobile version on my iPhone.
@Pookiemom Checking in and saw this. I think the concept of providing the dots indicating number of responses/posts since last visit is a good thing, it lets you know how behind you are on that topic. That said, they have to work consistently or they’re just decoration taking up space and don’t represent the site well. So, if the developers can’t get them to work (can’t imagine that), then pull them, better none than something that doesn’t work.
@Pookiemom Also while I’m here, I noted on the entry page today was changed: the “Trending” block was wider than the other, actually ran off the right edge of my screen (using iPad today, but I’ve used it before and didn’t notice the same effect). It might have to do with the length of the posted title?
Also, I agree with Joe’s observation, black on a relatively dark blue doesn’t work well. That said, it’s better than white on yellow which I saw on another site recently and needs to be avoided as well.
I think the blue dots are helpful but only if they work properly, of course. I vote keep them but they’re not necessary.
@joe I agree that contrast matters for readability. And especially on smaller displays. Recommend a non filled circle with the outside ring of the circle as a thin black line and the number inside it in black font and NOT bolded.
Like everyone else’s comment I think having an indicator of comment made since last visiting a topic as being valuable. It’s like having a bookmark for a book and keeps track of where you last left off.
Blue dots are working properly for me now! I appreciate the fix
On an iPad the right side “Latest” square on the initial screen runs off the right side of the screen in portrait mode, the remainder of the screen displays correctly. I reported this earlier, but perhaps my description wasn’t very good.
In landscape mode the page can be resized to fit the screen and not have the same issue, but in portrait mode it doesn’t fix the problem.
Hello! New entry here😊.
When reading some of the posts I’ve hit the Breakthrough T1D link to get back to the top of the forum, but it takes me to the Breakthrough home page instead. I need to hit the Back to the Forum link,
but it does not show when you’re in a post (here’s a sample)
so you have to scroll all the wayto the top of the page to get to it, and as we know some posts have a lot of comments.
Can a Back to the Forum link display at the bottom, or in the “header row” next to the link to the Breakthrough page?
I hope that’s clear. Thanks for your consideration either way.
Yes Dorie @wadawabbit, The twik made to the site this week is very annoying.
Sometimes you point something out and wonder “Is it just me?” I’m glad I’m in his company😊.
The “Positive” outcome of the latest [?] tweak, Dorie @wadawabbit, is the addition just to the left of the User’s icon of the links to Resources and to Chapters; two items that had been dropped in the previous launch.
Additionally Dorie, a fix is now in place. Directly below the Topic Title, click on the lighter title - in this topic it is “Site Feedback” - and the return to Forum Home link appears.