Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well in taking care of their diabetes and not having it effect their daily lives like I do sometimes (a lot). I am having difficulty deciding which Omnipod system is better for me to have, so I would appreciate the feedback from you all!
I am out of warranty with my current Omnipod PDM (Personal Diabetes Manager), which means the next thing I get, will be permanent for two to three years. I’m all about trying new things, but I like to know the pros and cons of it. I have heard much talk about the new Omnipod DASH system and did some research on it. I like that it Bluetooth’s with your meter to give you more accurate readings and even uploads it (when connected to WiFi) to an app where your endocrinologist can see your levels, but then again carrying a lot of stuff might become annoying. Not only would you carry the Bluetooth like cell phone that records all your blood sugars, bolus and basal rates, but you also have a separate Contour meter to check your blood sugars. With the original system, you have a PDM meter that checks your blood sugar, lets you bolus from it, etc. which seems more convenient and easier. However, I think trying something new would be beneficial for me.
The reason for my change and interest in hearing your thoughts is because I have been having problems lately that stress me out. This is the SECOND PDM, the past five years I’ve been using the Omnipod, that has been messing up. My internal battery only lasts so long and the past two months have been HECK when I have to change my batteries. Every time I change my batteries, it makes me reset the clock and deactivate my pod when it isn’t even time to. It’s so frustrating because THEN it won’t do the math to give me automatic correction, bolus, or basal rates for 4-6 hours. The longer I wait to invest in a new system, the worse it gets. It makes me mad and I have gotten to the point where I wanted to be completely done with Omnipod. I know I am able to bolus myself, but it scares me not being able to see the IOB and if my insulin is even working during the down time of my new batteries.
However, my insurance has not approved the new Omnipod DASH system, so if I were to invest in it, I would have to wait up to 45 days before I find out if I am able to get the new system or not. The FDA just approved it, so it’s definitely new on the market! That is too long to wait, but may be well worth it. I am fine with the PDM I use now, but down the road, I don’t want another internal screw-up to worry about, so this is why I’m here asking questions. Last but not least, do you also have to keep up with a charger for the Omnipod DASH? I don’t know how that works, but when I think about it, I assume I’ll have to charge it like a phone battery.
Thank you all for your feedback, whether positive or negative, and your advice that you may give me!! I appreciate it so much.