I’m trying to gauge how my Medtronic 670 G transmitter battery is doing. If you have Medtronic, what percentage of battery strength do you have with 4 days left?
I’m trying to use my current one until my pump warranty expires in Jan. If I switch to different CGM (Dexcom) in Jan., will my insurance cover a new transmitter, if I get a new one right now now? I don’t want to get a new one if it’s not necessary. Thanks for any tips or if you encountered this, I’ve already talked to Medtronic.
Hi @HighHopes . You could check with Dexcom’s device rep - since they coordinate coverage they probably know the answer. If worst came to worst you would have to finish out the transmitter: Dexcom’s last 3 months - is it the same for Medtronic? I’ve kept using my pump for a bit after the warranty expired (for financial reasons) and had no problems. Unless there is some rule I’m unaware of, switching right away is more for peace of mind than anything else. And if it did fail I imagine you could switch over to Dexcom at that point.
All the best - enjoy the holiday!
Ok. I have already spoke with Medtronic rep, but it wasn’t very helpful. I don’t think he understood the situation. He referred me to another dept to help me get a new one, but I don’t want a new one if I can get another couple of months on this one. I did an early preemptive sensor change today, even though I had two days left. My Transmitter battery was at 62. After fully charging this afternoon I am now showing battery at 87%.
Maybe Dexcom could help too. I’ll explore it. Thanks. I hope had a great day too!
I have been using 670G transmitters since the 670G was first on the market a few years back, but I was never aware that one could know percentage transmitter battery strength. How do you assess or determine this?
On the pump scroll down to Status, then scroll down to Sensor, look at that screen. It’ll give number of days left on the sensor and then right below it, it says Transmitter . Under that Battery life of Transmitter. It’ll give a percentage, like 82%….below that is the SN # for that transmitter. As the week progresses, that percentage goes down. I never followed it that much until recently. That’s why I’m not sure if it’s normal to be at 75% transmitter power when I have 5 days left on the sensor. I wish I had noted this back when the transmitter was new. I think my Transmitter is only accepting a charge up to 85%. So, I’m starting out on day 1 one of sensor behind the gate. It’s accurate though. My CGM BS figures are very close to my finger sticks. I’m doing a lot of those lately to monitor any potential changes.
Thanks Dee. This may be useful information for me to follow. I’ve been using the 670g since it was first on the market. In the last couple of years, I’ve had some challenges with the transmitters, possibly related to circumstances affecting my blood sugar control. I’ve always run tight control and frequently check my blood sugars. Recently, I learned from a tech at Minimed that he (who is also a diabetic) charges his transmitter for about six hours before he uses it for the first time. He told me that this long initial charge increases reliability and durability of the transmitter. I followed his suggestion with a new transmitter I received recently. I just looked at the reading after changing sensors and it is 100% (after a about a 30 minute recharge of the transmitter followed by attaching a new sensor). Regarding your 85% reading that you are seeing, if your finger sticks match with your sensor readings, that seems pretty good to me just as you state. On the other hand, if your sensors were not lasting as long as they should, the 6 hour initial charge might increase sensor lifespan…at least to my way of thinking.
I feel slightly confident, but when I get to transmitter battery strength down to 62%, I started getting nervous. (For all I know, even a new transmitter battery strength goes down to 20% by the time the Sensor change comes around.). That’s about the time that I do a preemptive transmitter charge, I keep the sensor on…it’s a little tricky, but doable, charge transmitter, reconnect it, and start another 2 Hour warm up. It’s annoying, but gives me confidence on the battery strength. If most people had to change sensor every 3 days, they probably would be very happy and I’m not, Hopefully, a resolution is in sight.
Do you mind saying how much warranty time you have on your pump? My warranty is up on the pump the end of Jan. 2023. So, I’ll need to switch to new brand, keep current one and hope it holds or trade for a new one or just get a new Medtronic. I can’t see that happening, but you never know.
I have a little more than 2 years warranty remaining on my present pump. When I need to get a new pump, I am presently considering getting a 770G or the 780G. That being said, I have seen complaints on this website regarding the 770G. With the limited information I have seen so far, my plan would be to use only the 670G comparable options that are also available on the 770G or 780G-- if that can be done. Additionally, I will need to look more carefully at the specifics of the complaints posted on this website. With regard to what limited information I have regarding pumps sold by other manufacturers, only the Minimed can monitor all of the parameters I follow which allow me to keep my tight control. Additionally, I do have a major gripe with Dexcom, which I did look at closely before I got a 670G: Just reaching customer service was extremely difficult and time consuming, with extremely long wait times…
I have seen complaints on this website regarding the 770G
Hi @ExerciseGuy . I rely heavily on real-life user evaluations and comments (I forage through the Amazon frequently when I’m considering something), and just wanted to suggest you look beyond this forum and broaden your search - different sources can be helpful. When I was considering switching to Omnipod, this forum was my starting point but I find lots of helpful comments elsewhere.
Thanks for the feedback Dorie. Although I do look at comments on this website, my basic foundation for approaching my blood sugar control stems from my reading of scientific publications and reports. That being said, I will be the first to admit that what works for me may not work for someone else.
So do I. I have read just about everything I could find comparing options for the last 3 years. And, I’m still not done. I’ve also watched videos on you tube by people who have used multiple pumps and CGMs who offer their perspectives, based on their experiences. I don’t think it’s possible to ask too many questions about something like this.
All the technical info and detail is certainly important - essential - but for me what really matters is the ultimate user experience: how well does it do what it promises to do? Are there commonalities along those who report succeses and failures/issues - and how do I fit into them? That’s what I find helpful.
A part of me wishes you weren’t locked into a long-term agreement without trying it out to see how a tool works for you. You don’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive. When I got my very first pump - Minimed 504 I believe - we tried it for a couple of weeks before “going live”: we bolused with normal saline when we took our shots for meals; practiced adjusting the settings and changing the infusion sets; and learned what it felt to have it on literally 24/7 because the tubing did not disconnect (showering was fun!). At least that got you used to being connected - even better now would be a trial to see how well the system works for your own body, but that’s too much to ask aside from Omnipod.
I’m curious about Omnipod. I haven’t actually considered tubeless, because the tubing is not a real issue for me. Pumping isn’t the issue, it’s the CGM. But, I’m keeping all my options open.
The Omnipod5 works with Dexcom and and personally I find its micro adjustments better suit my needs overall than did Control IQ. I’ve shared some of my “adventures” elsewhere on the forum and don’t want to repeat them here - plus I’m straying off topic - but I do like to encourage people to check it out: there’s no commitment unless things have changed, so of course do your due diligence and if you think it could be a good fit, try it out. Remember you will go through a few pods at first as the system learns to “read” your body, and there are settings you may want or need to change to meet your goals. A trainer can give you details.
If CIQ or Medtronic’s closed loop better serve your needs you can always switch back.
I am currently using the 780 with guardian 4 sensors. After 4 days my transmitter is at 78%. About 2 years ago medtronics gave me a deal where I could go from the 670 to the 770 for about 200$. Even though my pump was out of warranty for about 8 months I was able to update from 770 to 780 using my phone last month. I am still evaluating it but so far my impressions are very good. Haven’t gotten an a1c yet though but I suspect it will be better…
After months of reading and evaluating, I’m 99% sure I’ll upgrade to Medtronic 780 and G4 soon. Medtronic recently helped me out with a matter and have earned my respect. Awesome customer service, plus this system seems to be very good. Being familiar with it helps too. Everyone is different, but this seems right for me.