Insurance for contract workers?

I am trying to find out what insurance people who have T1D are using who are contract workers? Trying to help my son find out the best plan possible. He will be working interstate also. Anyone else in this situation?

The options may depend on where you are located. An insurance broker might be able to help you.

My son’s home base is Reno Nevada, he has been talking to a broker, but he is looking @ paying $487.00/month, with a $5400.00 deductible, & $8000.00 max out of pocket. That seems so insane to me. (I have very good insurance through my work).

@anghella.fletcher Welcome Angela to the JDRF TypeOneNsation Community Forum.

Unfortunately, the monthly premium you share is in-line with what I have seen even for people who do not have diabetes - although the $5,400 deductible looks high. As far as your at-work insurance is concerned, your company is subsidizing the actual cost - ask your risk department for the actual dollar amount per single user. My 50±year work history includes a stint in Corporate Risk Management an employee benefits for a major contract labor organization - heal/medical insurance was available at-cost.

At the top of this page, click the “Resources” tab and navigate to the Insurance section - there is a lot of good information there. Also, your son can log on and submit a request for a call-back from a person who may be able to assist.

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Thank you for your help Dennis