Libre 3 Reader & Medicare

I received an email from Abbott informing me the Libre 3 will be discontinued September, 2025. My DME provided was not even aware of that.
Since moving to the Libre 3, I have only been using the Android phone app, no reader.
Last time I got a reader was several years ago when I switched to the Libre 2, so I haven’t used a reader for a few years.
My plan was to get a reader for the 3 as a backup, but the DME is telling me Medicare only supplies a reader once every five (5) years.
So if Abbott discontinues the Libre 2 and 3, supplying only the 3 Plus, it seems a new reader should be available.
Anyone else run into this?

the 3Plus (from Abbott’s website) is a minor update, so whatever you are using to read the 3 will (if I’m reading this right) continue to read 3 plus. it is common for providers to limit the amount of readers they will dispense to X every Y years, but if there is a different reader… then the script for the new sensor should allow you to get a compatible reader i mean, with a new script. good luck Dave @Dave52

I haven’t used any reader since the original US 14 day. I did get a Libre 2 reader when I upgraded to that version, but never used it. I was told the 2 reader will not work with the 3 or 3plus.

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Right the Libre 2 reader will not work with the Libre 3. So if you get a script for Libre 3 (or 3 Plus) , you could ALSO get a script for a Libre 3 reader (in my opinion) because it is a different reader. Now if you break a reader or if you want an additional reader, your provider can say no, they only provide 1 every X years.

The Libre 3 reader is good for Libre 3 Plus, what I think you need is a script for the Libre 3 reader and probably 14 hours worth of explaining to your provider that it is a DIFFERNT reader than your old Libre 2 reader. good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

The doctor understands that, he sent a new prescription. the problem is the DME provider is saying that since I got my last one three years ago they can’t send me another one even with a new prescription from the doctor.
That’s what I’m trying to work through.
Thanks Anyway

From time to time I’ve found that my insurance requires more than a simple Rx from my doctor - they require her to document the necessity as well. With that in hand they have done an override. I have not had the pleasure of dealing with Medicare yet so I don’t know if it works the same.

I have occasionally purchased a device out of pocket. The peace of mind is worth the expense if you are able to afford it. You could also check eBay for an Android phone to use as a backup, if you are worried about your phone being lost or stolen.

Hey Dave! Sorry to hear you are suffering from the diabetes complication “Healthcare Headache”. Verifying everything the DME company says is the right way to go.

  1. Libre 3 discontinued in the future? Yes.

Transition to FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus or 2 Plus | FreeStyle Libre Providers
Why and when are these changes occurring?
To deliver innovation that makes diabetes management easier, we’re making changes to streamline your patients’ journey to our most advanced technology—the FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus and FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensors.
The FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors will be discontinued September 30, 2025 .

  1. Does the existing Libre 3 reader work with the Libre 3 Plus? Yes

FreeStyle Libre 3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring | FreeStyle Libre Providers
What is the FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus sensor?
The FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus sensor is the latest innovation to the existing FreeStyle Libre 3 system with the following new features/updates from the FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor:

  • Extends the sensor wear up to 15 days
  • Expands the age indication to 2 years and older

The FreeStyle Libre 3 Plus sensor is compatible with the current FreeStyle Libre 3 app†† or FreeStyle Libre 3 reader‡‡.

Abbott is totally underselling the improvement in the portion of the sensor that goes under the skin. The plus versions are no longer susceptible to vitamin C interference. Also telling is most pumps waited for the release of the plus versions to support automated dosing with the Libre suggesting the sensor chemistry change might also improve accuracy, precision and most important, the ability to keep up with changing glucose levels.

  1. Medicare only supplies a reader once every five (5) years? Yes for Medicare Part B. Unless it is lost, stolen, or damaged and cannot be repaired then you may be eligible for a replacement.

Do you have Medicare Part B or a Medicare Advantage plan? MA plans have plan specific policies. If you have Part B, and if I remember how you went from a 14 day to a 2 to the 3, your DME supplier charged Medicare for code E2103 for the Libre 2 reader when the 14 day was discontinued, then when your doc said the 2 isn’t working try a 3 the supplier was able to sell you the 3 because they had already billed E2103. And the Libre 3 reader wasn’t out yet. The government contractor that processes Medicare DME claims only has to check the patient has a reader, they don’t have to check which reader. Government programs ya’know. So at the moment if you really want a Libre 3 reader you’ll have to pay out of pocket. At this point you don’t want to have medicare pay for a new reader because that’ll start a new 5 year clock on the Libre 3 reader.

Thanks for asking a question, I just got home from a crummy endo appointment and I’m dealing with my feelings by referencing medicare docs. You can tell it wasn’t that bad because I didn’t find the references in the 20-something chapter DME payments manual to the 5 year lifetime of CGM readers. I’ve done it before, wasn’t worth it.


Hi @spdif Chris thank you for your research and knowledge on this matter.