My name is Joni Katz and I am a student at Pennsylvania State University. I am obtaining my Bachelor of Science Degree in nursing and to complete an upcoming assignment, I need to interview an affiliated member of an online support community for individuals affected by type I diabetes.
After researching many different online support groups, the Type One Nation community stands out as a thriving, effective, and well-established platform. My hope is to interview a moderator, host, or administrator regarding the importance of this support group, specifically for adolescents with type I diabetes, and learn a little more about how this community works.
On a personal note, my 16-year-old daughter was diagnosed with type I diabetes 8 years ago and because we have lived outside of the United States since her diagnosis, I have often wondered if an online support community would be beneficial to her, specifically for emotional and motivational purposes. I look forward to introducing her to the Type One Nation community and hope she can find some reprieve from the ever-challenging burdens and complexities of managing type I diabetes.
Please let me know if any of you administrators out there are willing to answer a few questions. It should take no longer than 30 minutes of your time.
Warm regards,
Joni Katz